Solver resets due to discrete signal at ps-simulink-converter

조회 수: 10 (최근 30일)
Christian 2023년 3월 10일
댓글: Christian 2023년 4월 18일
Using the Solver Profiler with a fixed-step model (ode3) I get a lot of solver resets due to discrete signal at a "ps-simulink-converter".
The phyiscal system origins from the tangential speed from "Spatial Contact Force" block.
Is there a way to make this somehow coninuous to reduce solver resets and gain performance?

답변 (1개)

Steve Miller
Steve Miller 2023년 3월 12일
If you are simulating with a fixed step solver, I believe the solver profiler will report a solver reset at every step. I don't think you can eliminate them. If you simulate with a variable step solver, you should see fewer resets. If you see resets triggered at the input to your Simscape network where a discrete signal is driving a continuous system (Simscape), you could look at the First Order Hold block to eliminate the resets.
  댓글 수: 5
justin 2023년 4월 16일
Dear Christian
Have you cleared the issue,I got the same issue as you. I built the vehicle air suspension model by multibody simscape , gas and fluid simscape for air spring and shock absorber ,the fixed time is 0.01 ms,if I set 0.1ms the model always show :
Nonlinear solver to advance time one step failed to converge due to Linear Algebra error. Failed to solve using iteration matrix.
So I can not speed up the modle simulation speed by fast fixed steps .
1 second model task costs my PC near 1 hour.
Would you please give me any suggestions.
Christian 2023년 4월 18일
Hi Justin,
I didn't really clear the issue. As Steve wrote it seems to be a kind of restriction of the fixed-step solvers. Since speeding up the model was/is my main concern I looked for other ways to achieve this.
Actually I'm unsure if I should mark the issue as "solved" or not. It's not really solved, but it seems it not really a solvable problem.

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