How do I suppress the splash screen for compiled applications in 2014b?
조회 수: 36 (최근 30일)
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I generally compile MATLAB applications to run calculations in the background. I was previously doing this without an issue in 2013a. In 2014b, the splash screen comes as a default behavior when compiling an application. How do I turn this off? It is quite disruptive when trying to run things in the background.
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답변 (4개)
Siddharth Sundar
2014년 10월 16일
This is not possible directly. As a workaround, do NOT distribute the splash screen image file from the for_redistribution_files_only folder together with your application. You could just delete the "splash.png" file from the for_redistribution_files_only folder.
2014년 10월 16일
If you are using Matlab Compiler (the App) there is a section at the bottom entitled 'Files installed for your end user'.
One of these is 'splash.png'. You can right-click and delete this which I assume would result in no splash screen when the user opens the tool. I don't really want to test it out on my compiled projects as I want the splash screen and don't know how to get it back if I remove it, but I asume it can't show a splash screen if there is no png for it.
댓글 수: 2
Image Analyst
2014년 10월 16일
Maybe you can replace it with one of your own - a custom image with your own logo??? I haven't tried the compiler in R2014b yet.
Robert Cumming
2015년 8월 3일
I had a similar issue (not wanting the splashscreen to be displayed every time you run an exe).
One way to resolve this is to delete the splash.png from the installation folder - rather than do this manually I do this in my primary m-file, it does mean that the first time the exe is run the splashscreen is displayed, but subsequent times it is not, so for my purpose its an acceptable work around:
if isdeployed() % only run if in deployed mode
% Get the installation path
[status, result] = system('path');
installpath = char(regexpi(result, 'Path=(.*?);', 'tokens', 'once'));
% build the full filename of the splash image
splashpng = fullfile ( installpath, 'splash.png' );
if exist ( splashpng, 'file' ) == 2
delete ( splashpng );
댓글 수: 1
2022년 2월 18일
I tried it but says "permission denied" because the file is in program files after installation
Charles Askew
2017년 2월 9일
I had a slightly different problem in that I was writing an application which only uses the system tray FEX systray and in this situation the slash screen persists until the user kills it. I had to open a figure (offscreen) and then delete it during program startup. I tried starting the figure with Visible='off' but this didn't have the desired effect. I still get the splash screen while the program is starting up, but it disappears as soon as it has got going.
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