Create a Table with column vectors

조회 수: 43 (최근 30일)
oselu 2014년 8월 11일
답변: Image Analyst 2014년 8월 11일
Hello I would like to create a table showing the power out put from a 0 to 200 volts column vector. In this table I would like to display:
  1. Power
  2. current
  3. voltsandI would like to name the table and each column.I tried to use the table function but it doesnt seem to workI am using matlab 7.10.0(R2010a)
  댓글 수: 3
oselu 2014년 8월 11일
I tried to make a matrice with letters in the first row(a-d) and in the second row(1-4). the letters come up but the numbers dont show until i put them in-between '..'
Adam 2014년 8월 11일
Yeah, mixing strings and numbers together in a single matrix won't work.
I guess you could create a struct (or a class which I would always favour, but maybe not in R2010) with fields 'Power', 'current' and 'volts' then your "table" would be an array of members of that struct.
Searching the table and doing operations on it will be a lot less neat than with the new Table functionality, but again it depends a lot what you want to do with your table data after creating it as to what kind of data structure is best.

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답변 (2개)

Kevin Claytor
Kevin Claytor 2014년 8월 11일
The table data type is R2013b and above. If you upgrade, you can do something like:
volts = [1:100]';
current = sin(linspace(0,2*pi))';
pt = array2table([volts, current], 'VariableNames', {'Volts', 'Current'})
pt.Power = pt.Volts .* pt.Current
If you can't upgrade, you can still use the struct data type:
volts = [1:100]';
current = sin(linspace(0,2*pi))';
pt = struct('Volts', volts, 'Current', current);
pt.Power = pt.Volts .* pt.Current;
They look almost the same, but there are some differences in the functionality.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014년 8월 11일
The "table" data type was not invented yet in your version. Upgrade if you can. Or else maybe you can put a uitable control on your GUI with uitable() or with the GUIDE gui editor tool
To send data into the uitable, make up an array and use set():
set(handles.uitable1, 'Data', yourArray);


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