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Why does MATLAB cause my CPU to spike even when MATLAB is idle in MATLAB 8.0 (R2012b)?

조회 수: 12 (최근 30일)
Using the Linux "top" command, I can see that MATLAB is using a great deal of the CPU, even when MATLAB is idle, i.e. not running any programs.
After some time (sometimes 45 minutes, sometimes a couple of hours) of opening a session of MATLAB, MATLAB's CPU usage will spike for a few seconds (2-5 seconds) and then drop for a few seconds. This will continue to happen until MATLAB is closed.

채택된 답변

MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team 2016년 3월 10일
This is a bug in MATLAB 8.0 (R2012b) and later releases. This issue may appear in MATLAB R2012a as well. This issue may be related to the new Help browser.
Beginning in MATLAB R2012b, the Help Browser uses a different renderer called the JxBrowser, which provides an enhanced help browsing experience. Because this may be an issue with the JxBrowser, try disabling the JxBrowser and instead use the HTML renderer (which may provide a slightly degraded Help Browser experience).
Launch a new session of MATLAB, and try to disable JxBrowser completely during this session, which can be done by executing the following command at the beginning of a MATLAB session:
This will set a preference disabling JxBrowser, which can be undone with the command:
NOTE: This bug has been fixed in MATLAB R2015a and later versions. Here is a link to its external bug report:
  댓글 수: 2
Richard Crozier
Richard Crozier 2014년 8월 18일
편집: MathWorks Support Team 2020년 11월 19일
I see this bug, or at least the same symptoms in R2014a. Come on Mathworks, you've had two years to fix it now.
Michal 2014년 10월 16일
Again!!! Same problem on R2014b (linux 64bit).

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추가 답변 (1개)

timo 2018년 7월 22일
I observe a lot of lag in Live editor and i see i have like 5 JxChromium Native process opened. I dont understand why Live Editor with Symbolic calculations makes it so laggy,


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