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Object for storing standard errors of estimated fisheye camera parameters


fisheyeCalibrationErrors contains the standard errors of estimated camera parameters. You can access the standard errors of the intrinsics and extrinsics by using the object properties. To display the standard errors, use the displayErrors function.


Create a fisheyeCalibrationErrors object by calling the estimateFisheyeParameters,


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Standard errors of the estimated intrinsics for a fisheye camera, specified as a fisheyeIntrinsicsEstimationErrors object.

Standard errors of the estimated rotations and translations for a fisheye camera relative to the calibration pattern, specified as a extrinsicsEstimationErrors object.

Object Functions

displayErrorsDisplay standard errors of camera parameter estimates


collapse all

Gather a set of checkerboard calibration images.

images = imageDatastore(fullfile(toolboxdir('vision'),'visiondata',...

Detect the calibration pattern from the images.

[imagePoints,boardSize] = detectCheckerboardPoints(images.Files);

Generate world coordinates for the corners of the checkerboard squares.

squareSize = 29; % millimeters
worldPoints = patternWorldPoints('checkerboard',boardSize,squareSize);

Estimate the fisheye parameters using image and world points. Use the first image to get the image size. Also, store the errors from the calibration.

I = readimage(images,1); 
imageSize = [size(I,1) size(I,2)];
[params,~,errors] = estimateFisheyeParameters(imagePoints, ...

Display the standard errors of the estimated camera parameters.

			Standard Errors of Estimated Camera Parameters

Mapping coefficients:    [  875.0748 +/- 0.9451       -0.0003 +/- -0.0000      -0.0000 +/- 0.0000        0.0000 +/- -0.0000 ]
Distortion center (pixels):[ 1005.8177 +/- 0.6871      743.0347 +/- 0.5578  ]
Stretch matrix parameters:[    1.0000 +/- 0.0000        0.0000 +/- 0.0000        0.0000 +/- 0.0000  ]

Rotation vectors:
                         [   -0.0699 +/- 0.0010       -0.0267 +/- 0.0009        0.0258 +/- 0.0002  ]
                         [    0.3628 +/- 0.0010        0.2950 +/- 0.0009       -0.1967 +/- 0.0003  ]
                         [   -0.2159 +/- 0.0009        0.3442 +/- 0.0009       -0.1941 +/- 0.0003  ]
                         [    0.0282 +/- 0.0009       -0.3784 +/- 0.0009        0.0829 +/- 0.0003  ]
                         [    0.0146 +/- 0.0008        0.4575 +/- 0.0009       -0.1215 +/- 0.0003  ]
                         [    0.6775 +/- 0.0008        0.1089 +/- 0.0008       -0.0386 +/- 0.0004  ]
                         [   -0.4936 +/- 0.0008        0.0063 +/- 0.0008        0.0486 +/- 0.0003  ]
                         [    0.3823 +/- 0.0008        0.2797 +/- 0.0008        0.1509 +/- 0.0003  ]
                         [    0.5171 +/- 0.0008       -0.3295 +/- 0.0008        0.0541 +/- 0.0003  ]
                         [   -0.1896 +/- 0.0008       -0.3543 +/- 0.0009        0.2637 +/- 0.0003  ]
                         [   -0.2911 +/- 0.0008        0.3680 +/- 0.0008       -0.1329 +/- 0.0003  ]

Translation vectors (mm):
                         [ -132.9185 +/- 0.1609      -82.6067 +/- 0.1356      195.1098 +/- 0.2311  ]
                         [ -178.9935 +/- 0.1905      -15.7751 +/- 0.1712      241.7116 +/- 0.2795  ]
                         [ -183.7961 +/- 0.2168      -56.7379 +/- 0.1884      269.9729 +/- 0.2790  ]
                         [  -17.6298 +/- 0.1315      -70.2875 +/- 0.1041      157.0820 +/- 0.1933  ]
                         [ -161.9828 +/- 0.1807      -46.9682 +/- 0.1569      228.4052 +/- 0.2302  ]
                         [ -122.4242 +/- 0.1309      -16.0260 +/- 0.1153      162.6239 +/- 0.2072  ]
                         [ -112.4271 +/- 0.1745     -125.5877 +/- 0.1428      212.8047 +/- 0.2156  ]
                         [ -148.7139 +/- 0.1387      -72.5410 +/- 0.1260      173.7608 +/- 0.2086  ]
                         [  -49.5394 +/- 0.0919      -24.8329 +/- 0.0745      104.3536 +/- 0.1506  ]
                         [   -3.4047 +/- 0.1274      -93.4074 +/- 0.1010      155.8242 +/- 0.1693  ]
                         [ -160.7348 +/- 0.1855      -51.9153 +/- 0.1600      234.4067 +/- 0.2318  ]

Version History

Introduced in R2017b