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Interpolate poses along UAV Dubins path segment


poses = interpolate(pathSegObj,lengths) interpolates poses along the path segment at the specified path lengths. Transitions between motion types are always included.



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This example shows how to connect poses using the uavDubinsConnection object and interpolate the poses along the path segment at the specified path lengths.

Connect Poses Using UAV Dubins Connection Path

Create a uavDubinsConnection object.

connectionObj = uavDubinsConnection;

Define start and goal poses as [x, y, z, headingAngle] vectors.

startPose = [0 0 0 0]; % [meters, meters, meters, radians]
goalPose = [0 0 20 pi];

Calculate a valid path segment and connect the poses.

[pathSegObj,pathCost] = connect(connectionObj,startPose,goalPose);

Show the generated path.


Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel North, ylabel East contains 24 objects of type patch, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Path, Transition Position, Start Position, Goal Position.

Interpolate the Poses

Specify the interval to interpolate along the path.

stepSize = pathSegObj{1}.Length/10;
lengths = 0:stepSize:pathSegObj{1}.Length;

Interpolate the poses along the path segment at the specified path lengths.

poses = interpolate(pathSegObj{1},lengths); % [x, y, z, headingAngle, flightPathAngle, rollAngle]

Visualize the Transition Poses

Compute the translation and rotation matrix of the transition poses, excluding the start and goal poses. The posesTranslation matrix consists of the first three columns of the poses matrix specifying the position x, y, and z.

posesTranslation = poses(2:end-1,1:3); % [x, y, z]

Increment the elements of the fourth column of the poses matrix representing the headingAngle by pi and assign it as the first column of the rotation matrix posesEulRot in ZYX Euler angle representation. A column of pi and a column of zeros forms the second and the third columns of the posesEulRot matrix, respectively. Convert the posesEulRot matrix from Euler angles to quaternion and assign to posesRotation.

N = size(poses,1)-2;
posesEulRot = [poses(2:end-1,4)+pi,ones(N,1)*pi,zeros(N,1)]; % [headingAngle + pi, pi, 0]
posesRotation = quaternion(eul2quat(posesEulRot,'ZYX'));

Plot transform frame of the transition poses by specifying their translations and rotations using plotTransforms.

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Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with xlabel North, ylabel East contains 60 objects of type patch, line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Path, Transition Position, Start Position, Goal Position.

Input Arguments

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Path segment, specified as a uavDubinsPathSegment object.

Lengths along path to interpolate poses, specified as a positive numeric vector in meters.

For example, specify 0:stepSize:pathSegObj{1}.Length to interpolate at the interval specified by stepSize along the path. Transitions between motion types are always included.

Data Types: double

Output Arguments

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Interpolated poses along the path segment, returned as a six-element numeric matrix [x, y, z, headingAngle, flightPathAngle, rollAngle]. Each row of the matrix corresponds to a different interpolated pose along the path.

x, y, and z specify the position in meters. headingAngle, flightPathAngle, and rollAngle specify the orientation in radians.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b