이벤트를 사용하여 Stateflow® 차트 또는 다른 Simulink® 서브시스템 내에서 동작을 트리거합니다. Simulink 모델의 다른 차트에 이벤트를 전송하여 외부 동작을 트리거합니다. 스케줄 편집기로 이벤트를 전송하여 비주기적 파티션 실행을 스케줄링하는 방법에 대한 자세한 내용은 Events in Schedule Editor (Simulink) 항목을 참조하십시오.
Sequence Viewer | Display messages, events, states, transitions, and functions between blocks during simulation |
Stateflow 구문
도움말 항목
- Synchronize Model Components by Broadcasting Events
Use events to communicate with Simulink and MATLAB®.
- Manage Symbols in the Stateflow Editor
Add, delete, and trace nongraphical objects.
- Set Properties for an Event
Specify event properties by using the Property Inspector or the Model Explorer.
- Activate a Stateflow Chart by Sending Input Events
Broadcast edge triggers and function calls as input events.
- Control States in Charts Enabled by Function-Call Input Events
Set the behavior of states when a function-call input event reenables a chart.
- Activate a Simulink Block by Sending Output Events
Broadcast edge triggers and function calls as output events.
- Control Function-Call Subsystems by Using bind Actions
Bind a function-call output event to the activity of a state.
- Broadcast Local Events to Synchronize Parallel States
Communicate between parallel (AND) states by making directed event broadcasts.
- Control Chart Behavior by Using Implicit Events
Trigger chart actions by changes in data values and state activity.
- Use the Sequence Viewer to Visualize Messages, Events, and Entities
View the interchange of messages, events, and functions through the Sequence Viewer block.