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Operating point at which block is linearized


When you linearize a Simulink® model, you can create a LinearizationAdvisor object that contains BlockDiagnostic objects. Each BlockDiagnostic object contains diagnostic information regarding the linearization of the corresponding Simulink block. Each BlockDiagnostic object contains a BlockOperatingPoint with the input and state values for the operating point at which the block was linearized.


To obtain the operating point at which a block was linearized, use the OperatingPoint property of a BlockDiagnostic object. For example, see Obtain Block Operating Point.


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State values at operating point, specified as a structure if the block has a single state, or a structure array if the block has multiple states. Each state structure has the following fields:

  • Name — State name

  • x — State value

Input values at operating point, specified as a structure if the block has a single input, or a structure array if the block has multiple inputs. Each input structure has the following fields:

  • Port — Input port number

  • u — Input value

Block path in Simulink model, specified as a character vector.


When troubleshooting a block linearization, you can check the input and state values for the operating point at which the block was linearized using the OperatingPoint property of a BlockDiagnostic object.


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Load Simulink model.

mdl = 'scdpendulum';

Linearize the model and obtain a LinearizationAdvisor object.

io = getlinio(mdl);
opt = linearizeOptions('StoreAdvisor',true);
[linsys,~,info] = linearize(mdl,io,opt);
advisor = info.Advisor;

Obtain block diagnostics for the second block in the list. This block is a second-order integrator.

diags = getBlockInfo(advisor,2);

Obtain the operating point at which this block was linearized.

blockOP = diags.OperatingPoint
blockOP = 
Block Operating Point for scdpendulum/pendulum/Integrator, Second-Order

Name        x        
theta       1.5708   
theta_dot   0        

Port   u           
1      0.0090909   

The block has two states and one input.

Version History

Introduced in R2017b

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