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Start Orbisnap

You can start Orbisnap from any command line with the following:

orbisnap -f vr_filename
orbisnap -c hostname -w "vrworld" -t http -v vrport -q=end_time
orbisnap -t http -v vrport vr_filename_or_hostname -q=end_time
orbisnap -h

No arguments -- Starts the default Orbisnap. There is no loaded vrworld file and no connection to a Simulink® 3D Animation™ server.

-f vr_filename — (Optional) Orbisnap starts and loads the vrworld contained in vr_filename. If you do not provide vr_filename, Orbisnap prompts you for the file name.

-c hostname — (Optional) Orbisnap starts and connects to the Simulink 3D Animation server at hostname. hostname can be a hostname or IP address. If you do not provide hostname, Orbisnap prompts you for the hostname.

-w vrworld — (Optional) Orbisnap starts, connects to the Simulink 3D Animation server, and loads the virtual world associated with the title "vrworld". If "vrworld" is not currently active in the Simulink 3D Animation server, the connection to the server does not succeed and the default Orbisnap starts.

-t http — (Optional) Orbisnap starts and connects to the Simulink 3D Animation server at this HTTP port (default 8123).

-t vrport — (Optional) Orbisnap starts and connects to the Simulink 3D Animation server listening at this port (default 8124).

vr_filename_or_hostname — (Optional) Orbisnap starts and interprets this string first as a vrworld file name. If the string is not a valid vrworld file name, Orbisnap tries to interpret the string as the name of the host that is running the Simulink 3D Animation server.

-q=end_time — (Optional) Orbisnap ends when virtual scene time equals end_time.

-h — (Optional) Orbisnap displays the Orbisnap command-line help.

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