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Reporting and Database Access

Access relational or nonrelational databases and generate reports from MATLAB® applications or Simulink models

Use Database Toolbox™ to import and export data between various databases and MATLAB. Database Toolbox supports any ODBC-compliant or JDBC-compliant relational database. It also provides NoSQL support for Apache® Cassandra®, MongoDB®, and Neo4j®. Native interfaces are available for MySQL®, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

Use the reporting toolboxes to design and generate reports in PDF, Microsoft® Word, Microsoft PowerPoint®, and HTML. You can use the prebuilt, customizable Word and HTML templates or design reports based on your organization’s templates and standards.

  • With MATLAB Report Generator™, design and automatically generate reports from MATLAB applications. Dynamically capture results and figures from your MATLAB code and document those results in a single report that you can share with others in your organization.

  • With Simulink® Report Generator, generate reports from Simulink models and simulations. Create web views that let you view, navigate, and share Simulink models from a web browser without a Simulink license. You can embed model web views in HTML code generation, requirements, coverage, and other types of reports.


Exchange Data with Relational and Nonrelational Databases

Design and Automatically Generate Reports

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