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SynRM FeedForward Control

Decouple d-axis and q-axis current to eliminate disturbance

Since R2024a

Motor Control Blockset / Controls / Control Reference


The SynRM FeedForward Control block decouples d-axis and q-axis current controls and generates the corresponding feedforward voltage gains to enable field-oriented control of a synchronous reluctance motor (SynRM) and permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance motor (PMaSynRM).

You can input feedback values of d-axis and q-axis currents and the mechanical speed of the rotor.

The block generates feedforward gains from the specified motor parameters using one of these methods:

  • Linear model with lumped parameters — Lumped parameters with d-axis and q-axis stator winding inductances and permanent magnet flux linkage.

  • Non-linear model with D,Q-flux linkage LUTs — Nonlinear model with d-axis and q-axis flux linkage lookup tables.

  • Non-linear model with Ld and Lq LUTs — Nonlinear model with d-axis and q-axis stator winding inductance lookup tables.

  • Non-linear model with Ld, Lq, and FluxPM LUTs — Nonlinear model with d-axis and q-axis stator winding inductances and permanent magnet flux linkage lookup tables.

  • Input port based Ld and Lqd-axis and q-axis stator winding inductance values provided using separate input ports.

  • Input port based Ld, Lq, and FluxPMd-axis and q-axis stator winding inductances and permanent magnet flux linkage values provided using separate input ports.

In addition, you can use the Vsat input method parameter to configure the block to accept a fixed saturation voltage through the Output saturation (V) parameter or a variable saturation voltage through a separate input port Vsat .


If you select Per-Unit (PU) in the Input units parameter, the block scales down the internal parameters to match the per-unit scale by default. You can also configure the block to convert the inputs to SI units before performing any computation and convert them back to per-unit values after calculating the output by using the Allow scaled-down motor parameters with CodeGen (higher precision with Fixed-Point data type) parameter.

These equations describe how the block computes feedforward gain.


The following equations for SynRM and PMaSynRM follow a d-q axis notation that is identical to that of a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM).


For both SynRM and PMaSynRM:


For SynRM:


For PMSynRM:



  • p is the number of pole pairs available in the motor.

  • ωe is the electrical speed corresponding to frequency of stator voltages (rad/s).

  • Ld and Lq are the d-axis and q-axis stator winding inductances (henries).

  • Id and Iq are the d-axis and q-axis currents (amperes).

  • ψd and ψq are the magnetic fluxes along the d- and q-axes (weber).

  • ψm is the permanent magnet flux linkage (weber).

For a detailed set of equations and assumptions that Motor Control Blockset™ uses for a synchronous reluctance machine, see Synchronous Reluctance Machine (Simscape Electrical).




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Current (in amperes) along the d-axis of the rotating dq reference frame.

Data Types: single | double | fixed point

Current (in amperes) along the q-axis of the rotating dq reference frame.

Data Types: single | double | fixed point

Mechanical speed of the rotor (in rad/s).

Data Types: single | double | fixed point

D-axis winding inductance (in henries).


To enable this input port, set Motor parameter input method to either Input port based Ld and Lq or Input port based Ld, Lq and FluxPM.

Data Types: single | double | fixed point

Q-axis winding inductance (in henries).


To enable this input port, set Motor parameter input method to either Input port based Ld and Lq or Input port based Ld, Lq and FluxPM.

Data Types: single | double | fixed point

Peak permanent magnet flux linkage (in weber).


To enable this input port, set Motor topology to PM-assisted synchronous reluctance motor and Motor parameter input method to Input port based Ld, Lq and FluxPM.

Data Types: single | double | fixed point

Variable saturation limit (in volts) for the output voltages Vd FF and Vq FF .


To enable this port, set Vsat input method to Input port.

Data Types: single | double | fixed point


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Feedforward voltage gain (in volts) along the d-axis of the rotating dq reference frame.

Data Types: single | double | fixed point

Feedforward voltage gain (in volts) along the q-axis of the rotating dq reference frame.

Data Types: single | double | fixed point


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Motor Parameters

Type of synchronous reluctance motor.

Type of alignment for the d- and q-axes. You can select one of the following options:

  • Ld > Lq (different from PMSM) — Select this option to use a d- and q-axes alignment that is different from that of PMSM.

  • Lq > Ld (same as PMSM) — Select this option to use a d- and q-axes alignment that is identical to that of PMSM.

For more information regarding the type of alignment, see SynRM Constraint Curves and Their Application.

Number of pole pairs available in the motor.

Motor parameters that the block uses to generate feedforward gains.

  • Linear model with lumped parameters — Generate feedforward voltages using lumped circuit values for motor parameters Ld , Lq , and FluxPM.

  • Non-linear model with D,Q-flux linkage LUTs — Generate feedforward voltages using d-axis flux linkage FluxD and q-axis flux linkage FluxQ lookup tables (LUTs).

  • Non-linear model with Ld and Lq LUTs — Generate feedforward voltages using Ld and Lq LUTs, specified as block parameters.

  • Non-linear model with Ld, Lq and FluxPM LUTs — Generate feedforward voltages using Ld, Lq, and FluxPM LUTs, specified as block parameters.

  • Input port based Ld and Lq — Generate feedforward voltages using Ld and Lq LUTs, specified as block inputs.

  • Input port based Ld, Lq, and FluxPM — Generate feedforward voltages using Ld , Lq , and FluxPM LUTs, specified as block inputs.


  • To enable Non-linear model with Ld and Lq LUTs and Input port based Ld and Lq options, set Motor topology to Synchronous reluctance motor.

  • To enable Non-linear model with Ld, Lq, and FluxPM LUTs and Input port based Ld, Lq, and FluxPM options, set Motor topology to PM-assisted synchronous reluctance motor.

Use one of these methods to specify the output voltage saturation limit (Vsat).

  • Specify via dialog — Specify the fixed output voltage saturation limit Vsat using the Output voltage saturation (V) parameter.

  • Input port — Specify the variable output voltage saturation limit Vsat using the input port Vsat.

Saturation limit (in volts) for the output voltages Vd FF and Vq FF .


To enable this parameter, set Vsat input method to Specify via dialog.

D-axis current vector (in amperes) in these lookup tables, depending on the method you use to specify the motor parameters.

  • FluxD(id,iq) and FluxQ(id,iq) for the Non-linear model with D,Q-flux linkage LUTs method.

  • Ld(id,iq), Lq(id,iq), and FluxPM(id,iq) for the Non-linear model with Ld, Lq, and FluxPM LUTs method.


To enable this parameter, set Motor parameter input method to Non-linear model with D,Q-flux linkage LUTs, Non-linear model with Ld and Lq LUTs, or Non-linear model with Ld, Lq, and FluxPM LUTs.

Q-axis current vector (in amperes) in these lookup tables, depending on the method you use to specify the motor parameters.

  • FluxD(id,iq) and FluxQ(id,iq) for the Non-linear model with D,Q-flux linkage LUTs method.

  • Ld(id,iq), Lq(id,iq), and FluxPM(id,iq) for the Non-linear model with Ld, Lq, and FluxPM LUTs method.


To enable this parameter, set Motor parameter input method to Non-linear model with D,Q-flux linkage LUTs, Non-linear model with Ld and Lq LUTs, or Non-linear model with Ld, Lq, and FluxPM LUTs.

Linear Model with Lumped Parameters

Stator winding inductance (in henries) along the direct-axis of the rotating dq reference frame.


To enable this parameter, set Motor parameter input method to Linear model with lumped parameters.

Stator winding inductance (in henries) along the quadrature-axis of the rotating dq reference frame.


To enable this parameter, set Motor parameter input method to Linear model with lumped parameters.

Peak permanent magnet flux linkage (in weber).


To enable this parameter, set Motor topology to PM-assisted synchronous reluctance motor and Motor parameter input method to Linear model with lumped parameters.

Non-Linear Model with D,Q-Flux Linkage LUTs

D-axis flux linkage FluxD(id,iq) lookup table data (in weber).


To enable this parameter, set Motor parameter input method to Non-linear model with D,Q-flux linkage LUTs.

Q-axis flux linkage FluxQ(id,iq) lookup table data (in weber).


To enable this parameter, set Motor parameter input method to Non-linear model with D,Q-flux linkage LUTs.

Non-Linear Model with Ld and Lq (as well as Ld , Lq , and FluxPM) LUTs

D-axis inductance Ld(id,iq) lookup table data (in henries).


To enable this parameter, set Motor parameter input method to either Non-linear model with Ld and Lq LUTs or Non-linear model with Ld, Lq, and FluxPM LUTs.

Q-axis inductance Lq(id,iq) lookup table data (in henries).


To enable this parameter, set Motor parameter input method to either Non-linear model with Ld and Lq LUTs or Non-linear model with Ld, Lq, and FluxPM LUTs.

Permanent magnet flux linkage FluxPM(id,iq) lookup table data (in weber).


To enable this parameter, set Motor parameter input method to Non-linear model with Ld, Lq and FluxPM LUTs.

Input Units

Unit of measure of the input values.

Base voltage (in volts) for the per-unit system.


To enable this parameter, set Input units to Per-Unit (PU).

Base current (in amperes) for the per-unit system.


To enable this parameter, set Input units to Per-Unit (PU).

Base speed (in rpm) for the per-unit system.


To enable this parameter, set Input units to Per-Unit (PU).

Option to scale down internal parameters to match the per-unit scale when generating code.

  • When you enable this option, the block scales down the internal constants and coefficients to match the per-unit scale. This allows for higher precision when you use the fixed-point data type. If you use this option with the single or double data type, some precision loss can occur depending on the number of bits allotted to the integer portion.

  • When you disable this option, the block converts all the constants and coefficients it uses for internal calculations to SI units and then converts them back to the PU scale. This allows you to update the lookup table values in the generated code, typically, for applications such as controller tuning or end-of-line operations. You can also update the values manually for debugging or reusing previously generated code.


To enable this parameter, set Input units to Per-Unit (PU).

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2024a