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ACIM Parameter Estimation Configurator

Generate configuration elements for AC induction motor (ACIM) parameter estimation

Since R2023a

Motor Control Blockset / Parameter Estimation / ACIM Parameter Estimation


The ACIM Parameter Estimation Configurator block generates the following configuration elements for estimating the parameters of an AC induction motor:

  • Elements for motor and inverter hardware

  • Elements for estimating magnetizing current Id0

  • Elements for estimating motor resistance (Rs)

  • Elements for estimating:

    • Rotor resistance, Rr

    • Magnetizing inductance, Lm

    • Stator leakage inductance, Lls

    • Rotor leakage inductance, Llr

  • Elements for estimating motor inertia (J) and friction constant (B)

The block uses the parameter settings to generate an output bus containing the configuration elements. You can use the configuration elements in these ACIM parameter estimation blocks:




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The bus signal includes these configuration elements.

CategoryConfiguration elementUnits

Elements for motor and inverter hardware

Number of pole pairs


Rated frequency


Nominal motor current


Nominal voltage


Maximum measurable inverter current


Board resistance


Current sense gain

A/ADC Count

Voltage sense gain

V/ADC Count

Elements for estimating magnetizing current Id0

Measurement time


Open-loop ramp time


Elements for estimating motor resistance (Rs)

Estimation time


Vd reference voltage 1

PU voltage

Vd reference voltage 2

PU voltage

Elements for estimating rotor resistance (Rr), magnetizing inductance (Lm), stator leakage inductance (Lls), and rotor leakage inductance (Llr)

Frequency 1 as a ratio of rated frequency

PU frequency

Frequency 2 as a ratio of rated frequency

PU frequency

High frequency for Lm


Start voltage for voltage sweep

PU voltage

Voltage step for voltage sweep

PU voltage

High-frequency injection voltage

PU voltage

Elements for estimating motor inertia (J) and friction constant (B)

Closed-loop speed duration


Closed-loop speed


Iq Reference current for FOC

PU current

Proportional gain


Integral gain


Lower speed limit for inertia estimation



Parameter estimation sample time


The configuration elements are analogous to the block parameters. For more information about these elements, see Parameters.

Data Types: single


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Motor and Inverter

Number of pole pairs available in the induction motor.

Rated frequency of the induction motor (in Hertz).

Rated current of the induction motor (in Amperes).

Rated voltage of the induction motor (in Volts).

Maximum current (in Amperes) that the system (including inverter and controller) can measure.

Resistance in the path of phase currents (excluding motor resistance). You can obtain this value from the datasheet of the inverter hardware.

Gain of the current sense circuit of the inverter. This value determines the current (in Amperes) corresponding to one analog-to-digital converter (ADC) count (resolution of the measurable current range).

Gain of the voltage sense circuit of the inverter. This value determines the voltage (in Volts) corresponding to one analog-to-digital converter (ADC) count (resolution of the measurable voltage range).

Id0 Estimation

Time used to measure and average-out the peaks in the current response to the open-loop operation of the induction motor. For more details about Id0 estimation, see Id0 Estimator.

Time that you want to allot for the motor operation frequency to ramp up and reach 90 percent of the motor rated frequency. For more details about Id0 estimation, see Id0 Estimator.

Rs Estimation

Time that you want to allot to run the motor resistance (Rs) estimation algorithm. This value defines the time duration for which the ACIM Rs Estimator block injects each voltage to measure the motor resistance. For more details about Rs estimation, see ACIM Rs Estimator.

The first reference motor-phase voltage (in per-unit) that the ACIM Rs Estimator block uses for measuring motor resistance (Rs). By default, the block sets this field to 10 percent of the inverter DC voltage. For more details about Rs estimation, see ACIM Rs Estimator. For more details about the per-unit system, see Per-Unit System.

The second reference motor-phase voltage (in per-unit) that the ACIM Rs Estimator block uses for measuring motor resistance (Rs). By default, the block sets this field to 20 percent of the inverter DC voltage. For more details about Rs estimation, see ACIM Rs Estimator. For more details about the per-unit system, see Per-Unit System.

Rr, Lm, Lls, Llr Estimation

Ratio of the first injected low frequency over the rated frequency of the induction motor (in per-unit). For more details about the estimation process, see RrL Estimator. For more details about the per-unit system, see Per-Unit System.

Ratio of the second injected low frequency over the rated frequency of the induction motor (in per-unit). For more details about the estimation process, see RrL Estimator. For more details about the per-unit system, see Per-Unit System.

Frequency of the third (high frequency) signal (in Hertz) injected by the block for mechanical parameter estimation. For more details about the estimation process, see RrL Estimator.

Initial voltage (of the first and second low-frequency signals that the block injects, in per-unit) at which the voltage sweep begins. For more details about the estimation process, see RrL Estimator. For more details about the per-unit system, see Per-Unit System.

Step size that the block uses to perform voltage sweep on the two injected low frequency signals (in per-unit). For more details about the estimation process, see RrL Estimator. For more details about the per-unit system, see Per-Unit System.

Voltage of the third (high frequency) signal (in per-unit) injected by the block for mechanical parameter estimation. For more details about the estimation process, see RrL Estimator. For more details about the per-unit system, see Per-Unit System.

Time delay between an instance of current change and the point of time when the changed current is measured in the microcontroller.

J, B Estimation

Duration (in seconds) for which the ACIM Mechanical Parameter Estimator block runs the motor using closed-loop control before initiating coast-down. For more information about the estimation process, see ACIM Mechanical Parameter Estimator.

Speed (in RPM) at which the ACIM Mechanical Parameter Estimator block runs the motor using closed-loop control. For more information about the estimation process, see ACIM Mechanical Parameter Estimator.

Reference current, Iq, to achieve the reference speed specified in the Closed loop speed (RPM) parameter. For more information about the estimation process, see ACIM Mechanical Parameter Estimator.

Select this parameter to enable these fields:

  • Proportional gain

  • Integral gain

You can use these fields to enter the proportional and integral gains of the PI current controllers that implement closed-loop control to estimate J and B.

If you clear this parameter, the block automatically computes the proportional and integral gains.

To know more about the estimation process, see ACIM Mechanical Parameter Estimator.

Proportional gain, kp, of the PI current controller that implements field-oriented control to run the motor in closed-loop control and estimate J and B.


To enable this parameter, select the Specify current controller gains parameter.

Integral gain, ki, of the PI current controller that implements field-oriented control to run the motor in closed-loop control and estimate J and B.


To enable this parameter, select the Specify current controller gains parameter.

Lower speed limit during coast-down at which the ACIM Mechanical Parameter Estimation block registers the timestamp for estimating motor inertia. For more details about the estimation process, see ACIM Mechanical Parameter Estimation.

Sample time for the parameter estimation algorithm. This parameter defines the sample time for these parameter estimation blocks for AC induction motors:

  • Id0 Estimator

  • ACIM Rs Estimator

  • Rr L Estimator

  • ACIM Mechanical Parameter Estimator

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2023a