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Insert strings after specified substrings


newStr = insertAfter(str,pat,newText) inserts newText into str after the substring specified by pat and returns the result as newStr. If pat occurs multiple times in str, then insertAfter inserts text after every occurrence of pat.

If str is a string array or a cell array of character vectors, then insertAfter inserts newText into each element of str. The output argument newStr has the same data type as str.


newStr = insertAfter(str,pos,newText) inserts the text specified by newText into str after the position specified by pos.



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Create string arrays and insert text after substrings.

You can create strings using double quotes.

str = "The quick fox"
str = 
"The quick fox"

Insert text after the substring "quick".

newStr = insertAfter(str,"quick"," brown")
newStr = 
"The quick brown fox"

Insert substrings into each element of a string array. When you specify different substrings as positions, they must be contained in a string array or a cell array that is the same size as str.

str = ["The quick fox jumps";"over the dog"]
str = 2x1 string
    "The quick fox jumps"
    "over the dog"

newStr = insertAfter(str,["quick";"the"],[" brown";" lazy"])
newStr = 2x1 string
    "The quick brown fox jumps"
    "over the lazy dog"

Since R2020b

Create a string array of file names, including full paths. The paths begin with different drive letters.

str = ["C:\Temp\MyReport.docx";
str = 3x1 string

Insert a new folder name after each drive letter. To match the drive letters, create a pattern that matches a single letter using the lettersPattern function, and follows it with the characters ":\". Then call insertAfter.

pat = lettersPattern(1) + ":\"
pat = pattern

    lettersPattern(1) + ":\"

filenames = insertAfter(str,pat,"Archive\")
filenames = 3x1 string

For a list of functions that create pattern objects, see pattern.

Create string arrays and specify positions to insert substrings.

You can create strings using double quotes.

str = "James Maxwell"
str = 
"James Maxwell"

Insert a substring after the fifth character.

newStr = insertAfter(str,5," Clerk")
newStr = 
"James Clerk Maxwell"

Insert substrings into each element of a string array. When you specify different positions with numeric arrays, they must be the same size as the input string array.

str = ["James Maxwell";"Carl Gauss"]
str = 2x1 string
    "James Maxwell"
    "Carl Gauss"

newStr = insertAfter(str,[5;4],[" Clerk";" Friedrich"])
newStr = 2x1 string
    "James Clerk Maxwell"
    "Carl Friedrich Gauss"

Create a character vector and insert text after a specified position.

chr = 'mushrooms and onions'
chr = 
'mushrooms and onions'

Insert text after the ninth position.

newChr = insertAfter(chr,9,', peppers,')
newChr = 
'mushrooms, peppers, and onions'

Insert text after a substring.

newChr = insertAfter(chr,'mushrooms',', peppers,')
newChr = 
'mushrooms, peppers, and onions'

Input Arguments

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Input text, specified as a string array, character vector, or cell array of character vectors.

Text or pattern in str that marks the start position for inserted text, specified as one of the following:

  • String array

  • Character vector

  • Cell array of character vectors

  • pattern array (since R2020b)

If str is a string array or cell array of character vectors, then you can insert text into every element of str. You can specify that the insertions either all have the same start or have different starts in each element of str.

  • To specify the same start, specify pat as a character vector, string scalar, or pattern object.

  • To specify different starts, specify pat as a string array, cell array of character vectors, or pattern array.

Start position, specified as a numeric array.

If str is a string array or a cell array of character vectors, then pos can be a numeric scalar or numeric array of the same size as str.

Text to insert, specified as a string array, character vector, or cell array of character vectors.

If str is a string array or cell array of character vectors, then newText can be a character vector, string scalar, or a string array or cell array of the same size as str.

Output Arguments

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Output text, returned as a string array, character vector, or cell array of character vectors. str and newStr have the same data type.

Extended Capabilities

Version History

Introduced in R2016b

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