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Access Data in Tables

A table is a container that stores column-oriented data in variables. To access the data in a table, you can index into the table by specifying rows and variables, just as you can index into a matrix by specifying rows and columns. Table variables have names, just as the fields of a structure have names. The rows of a table also can have names, but row names are not required. To index into a table, specify rows and variables using either positions, names, or data types. The result can be either an array or a table.

This topic describes the different table indexing syntaxes and when to use each type. Additional examples show the different ways to apply these table indexing types. The table at the end of the topic summarizes the indexing syntaxes, how to specify rows and variables, and the resulting outputs.

Table Indexing Syntaxes

Depending on the type of indexing you use, the result is either an array extracted from the table or a new table. Indexing with:

  • Dot notation, as in T.varname or T.(expression), extracts an array from one table variable.

  • Curly braces, as in T{rows,vars}, extract an array from the specified rows and variables. The variables must have compatible data types so that they can be concatenated into one array.

  • Parentheses, as in T(rows,vars), return a table that has only the specified rows and variables.

This diagram shows the three types of table indexing.

To extract an array from one table variable, use dot notation. To extract an array from multiple table variables, use curly braces. To return a table that has only the specified rows and variables, use parentheses.

Recommended Indexing Syntaxes

The recommended way to access the contents of a table depends on the result you want and the number of variables that you specify. In these syntax examples, T is a table that has variables named Var1, Var2, and Var3. (If you do not specify variable names when calling the table function, then these names are the default names.)

T = table([1;2;3;4;5],[5;10;15;20;25],[150;300;450;600;750])
  • To access one table variable, use dot notation. Specify a variable name or an expression that matches the name or position of a variable.

    Using literal names of variables is faster than using expressions. For example, T.Var1 and T.(1) both access the first variable of T, but using the expression is slower.

    X = T.Var1
    Y = T.Var1(1:3)
    Z = T.(1)
    T.Var1 = T.Var1 .* 10

    You can also specify one variable using curly braces. However, accessing a variable using dot notation is faster than accessing a variable using curly braces.

  • To access multiple table variables, use curly braces.

    X = T{:,["Var1","Var2"]}
    Y = T{1:3,["Var1","Var2"]}
    T{:,["Var1","Var2"]} = T{:,["Var1","Var2"]} .* 10
  • To return a table that has only specified rows and variables, use parentheses.

    T2 = T(:,["Var1","Var2"])
    T2 = T(1:3,["Var1","Var2"])
    A = rand(5,1)
    B = rand(5,1)
    T(:,["Var1","Var2"]) = table(A,B)

Index by Specifying Rows and Variables

You can index into tables by specifying numeric indices, row and variable names, or variable data types.

Create a table. Load arrays of data from the sample patients.mat file. Then create a table from these arrays using the table function. The names of the input arrays become the names of the table variables. Row names are optional. To specify row names, use the RowNames name-value argument.

load patients.mat Age Height Weight Smoker LastName
T = table(Age,Height,Weight,Smoker,RowNames=LastName)
T=100×4 table
                Age    Height    Weight    Smoker
                ___    ______    ______    ______

    Smith       38       71       176      true  
    Johnson     43       69       163      false 
    Williams    38       64       131      false 
    Jones       40       67       133      false 
    Brown       49       64       119      false 
    Davis       46       68       142      false 
    Miller      33       64       142      true  
    Wilson      40       68       180      false 
    Moore       28       68       183      false 
    Taylor      31       66       132      false 
    Anderson    45       68       128      false 
    Thomas      42       66       137      false 
    Jackson     25       71       174      false 
    White       39       72       202      true  
    Harris      36       65       129      false 
    Martin      48       71       181      true  

Index by Position

You can index into tables by specifying positions as numeric indices. You can also use colons and the end keyword.

For example, index into the first three rows of T. This syntax is a compact way to return a table with the specified number of rows.

firstRows = T(1:3,:)
firstRows=3×4 table
                Age    Height    Weight    Smoker
                ___    ______    ______    ______

    Smith       38       71       176      true  
    Johnson     43       69       163      false 
    Williams    38       64       131      false 

Return a table with the first two variables and the last three rows of T.

lastRows = T(end-2:end,1:2)
lastRows=3×2 table
               Age    Height
               ___    ______

    Griffin    49       70  
    Diaz       45       68  
    Hayes      48       66  

If the variables have compatible data types, then you can use curly braces to return the extracted data as an array.

lastRowsAsArray = T{end-2:end,1:2}
lastRowsAsArray = 3×2

    49    70
    45    68
    48    66

Index by Variable Names

You can index into tables by specifying variable names using a string array. Table variable names do not have to be valid MATLAB® identifiers. They can include spaces and non-ASCII characters, and can start with any character.

For example, return a table that has only the first three rows of T and the Height and Weight variables.

variablesByName = T(1:3,["Height","Weight"])
variablesByName=3×2 table
                Height    Weight
                ______    ______

    Smith         71       176  
    Johnson       69       163  
    Williams      64       131  

Use curly braces to return the data as an array.

arraysFromVariables = T{1:3,["Height","Weight"]}
arraysFromVariables = 3×2

    71   176
    69   163
    64   131

You can also use dot notation to index into one variable. In fact, dot notation is more efficient when you access just one variable.

heightAsArray = T.Height
heightAsArray = 100×1


Use dot notation to return the first three rows of the Height variable as an array.

firstHeights = T.Height(1:3)
firstHeights = 3×1


Index by Row Names

If a table has row names, you can index into it by row name, not just by row number. For example, return rows of T for three specific patients.

rowsByName = T(["Griffin","Diaz","Hayes"],:)
rowsByName=3×4 table
               Age    Height    Weight    Smoker
               ___    ______    ______    ______

    Griffin    49       70       186      false 
    Diaz       45       68       172      true  
    Hayes      48       66       177      false 

You can also use curly braces to return the data as an array.

arraysFromRows = T{["Griffin","Diaz","Hayes"],:}
arraysFromRows = 3×4

    49    70   186     0
    45    68   172     1
    48    66   177     0

Index into One Element

To index into one element of a table, specify one row and one variable. Use curly braces to return the element as an array, a scalar value in this case.

oneElement = T{"Diaz","Height"}
oneElement = 

To return that element as a table with one row and one variable, use parentheses.

oneElementTable = T("Diaz","Height")

    Diaz      68  

Index by Variable Data Type

To index into a table by specifying variables that have the same data type, create a data type subscript using the vartype function.

For example, create a data type subscript to match numeric table variables.

numSubscript = vartype("numeric")
numSubscript = 
	table vartype subscript:

		Select table variables matching the type 'numeric'

Return a table that has only the numeric variables of T. The Smoker variable is not included because it is a logical variable.

onlyNumVariables = T(:,numSubscript)
onlyNumVariables=100×3 table
                Age    Height    Weight
                ___    ______    ______

    Smith       38       71       176  
    Johnson     43       69       163  
    Williams    38       64       131  
    Jones       40       67       133  
    Brown       49       64       119  
    Davis       46       68       142  
    Miller      33       64       142  
    Wilson      40       68       180  
    Moore       28       68       183  
    Taylor      31       66       132  
    Anderson    45       68       128  
    Thomas      42       66       137  
    Jackson     25       71       174  
    White       39       72       202  
    Harris      36       65       129  
    Martin      48       71       181  

Assign Values to Table

You can use any indexing syntax to assign values to a table. You can assign values to variables, rows, or individual elements.

Assign Values to Variables

Import power outage data from a spreadsheet into a table using the readtable function.

outages = readtable("outages.csv",TextType="string")
outages=1468×6 table
      Region          OutageTime        Loss     Customers     RestorationTime           Cause      
    ___________    ________________    ______    __________    ________________    _________________

    "SouthWest"    2002-02-01 12:18    458.98    1.8202e+06    2002-02-07 16:50    "winter storm"   
    "SouthEast"    2003-01-23 00:49    530.14    2.1204e+05                 NaT    "winter storm"   
    "SouthEast"    2003-02-07 21:15     289.4    1.4294e+05    2003-02-17 08:14    "winter storm"   
    "West"         2004-04-06 05:44    434.81    3.4037e+05    2004-04-06 06:10    "equipment fault"
    "MidWest"      2002-03-16 06:18    186.44    2.1275e+05    2002-03-18 23:23    "severe storm"   
    "West"         2003-06-18 02:49         0             0    2003-06-18 10:54    "attack"         
    "West"         2004-06-20 14:39    231.29           NaN    2004-06-20 19:16    "equipment fault"
    "West"         2002-06-06 19:28    311.86           NaN    2002-06-07 00:51    "equipment fault"
    "NorthEast"    2003-07-16 16:23    239.93         49434    2003-07-17 01:12    "fire"           
    "MidWest"      2004-09-27 11:09    286.72         66104    2004-09-27 16:37    "equipment fault"
    "SouthEast"    2004-09-05 17:48    73.387         36073    2004-09-05 20:46    "equipment fault"
    "West"         2004-05-21 21:45    159.99           NaN    2004-05-22 04:23    "equipment fault"
    "SouthEast"    2002-09-01 18:22    95.917         36759    2002-09-01 19:12    "severe storm"   
    "SouthEast"    2003-09-27 07:32       NaN    3.5517e+05    2003-10-04 07:02    "severe storm"   
    "West"         2003-11-12 06:12    254.09    9.2429e+05    2003-11-17 02:04    "winter storm"   
    "NorthEast"    2004-09-18 05:54         0             0                 NaT    "equipment fault"

To assign values to one variable, use dot notation. For example, scale the Loss variable by a factor of 100.

outages.Loss = outages.Loss .* 100
outages=1468×6 table
      Region          OutageTime        Loss     Customers     RestorationTime           Cause      
    ___________    ________________    ______    __________    ________________    _________________

    "SouthWest"    2002-02-01 12:18     45898    1.8202e+06    2002-02-07 16:50    "winter storm"   
    "SouthEast"    2003-01-23 00:49     53014    2.1204e+05                 NaT    "winter storm"   
    "SouthEast"    2003-02-07 21:15     28940    1.4294e+05    2003-02-17 08:14    "winter storm"   
    "West"         2004-04-06 05:44     43481    3.4037e+05    2004-04-06 06:10    "equipment fault"
    "MidWest"      2002-03-16 06:18     18644    2.1275e+05    2002-03-18 23:23    "severe storm"   
    "West"         2003-06-18 02:49         0             0    2003-06-18 10:54    "attack"         
    "West"         2004-06-20 14:39     23129           NaN    2004-06-20 19:16    "equipment fault"
    "West"         2002-06-06 19:28     31186           NaN    2002-06-07 00:51    "equipment fault"
    "NorthEast"    2003-07-16 16:23     23993         49434    2003-07-17 01:12    "fire"           
    "MidWest"      2004-09-27 11:09     28672         66104    2004-09-27 16:37    "equipment fault"
    "SouthEast"    2004-09-05 17:48    7338.7         36073    2004-09-05 20:46    "equipment fault"
    "West"         2004-05-21 21:45     15999           NaN    2004-05-22 04:23    "equipment fault"
    "SouthEast"    2002-09-01 18:22    9591.7         36759    2002-09-01 19:12    "severe storm"   
    "SouthEast"    2003-09-27 07:32       NaN    3.5517e+05    2003-10-04 07:02    "severe storm"   
    "West"         2003-11-12 06:12     25409    9.2429e+05    2003-11-17 02:04    "winter storm"   
    "NorthEast"    2004-09-18 05:54         0             0                 NaT    "equipment fault"

You can also assign data to multiple variables by using curly braces. The variables must have compatible data types. For example, scale Loss and Customers by a factor of 1/10,000.

outages{:,["Loss","Customers"]} = outages{:,["Loss","Customers"]} ./ 10000
outages=1468×6 table
      Region          OutageTime        Loss      Customers    RestorationTime           Cause      
    ___________    ________________    _______    _________    ________________    _________________

    "SouthWest"    2002-02-01 12:18     4.5898     182.02      2002-02-07 16:50    "winter storm"   
    "SouthEast"    2003-01-23 00:49     5.3014     21.204                   NaT    "winter storm"   
    "SouthEast"    2003-02-07 21:15      2.894     14.294      2003-02-17 08:14    "winter storm"   
    "West"         2004-04-06 05:44     4.3481     34.037      2004-04-06 06:10    "equipment fault"
    "MidWest"      2002-03-16 06:18     1.8644     21.275      2002-03-18 23:23    "severe storm"   
    "West"         2003-06-18 02:49          0          0      2003-06-18 10:54    "attack"         
    "West"         2004-06-20 14:39     2.3129        NaN      2004-06-20 19:16    "equipment fault"
    "West"         2002-06-06 19:28     3.1186        NaN      2002-06-07 00:51    "equipment fault"
    "NorthEast"    2003-07-16 16:23     2.3993     4.9434      2003-07-17 01:12    "fire"           
    "MidWest"      2004-09-27 11:09     2.8672     6.6104      2004-09-27 16:37    "equipment fault"
    "SouthEast"    2004-09-05 17:48    0.73387     3.6073      2004-09-05 20:46    "equipment fault"
    "West"         2004-05-21 21:45     1.5999        NaN      2004-05-22 04:23    "equipment fault"
    "SouthEast"    2002-09-01 18:22    0.95917     3.6759      2002-09-01 19:12    "severe storm"   
    "SouthEast"    2003-09-27 07:32        NaN     35.517      2003-10-04 07:02    "severe storm"   
    "West"         2003-11-12 06:12     2.5409     92.429      2003-11-17 02:04    "winter storm"   
    "NorthEast"    2004-09-18 05:54          0          0                   NaT    "equipment fault"

Assign Values to Rows

To assign one row to a table, you can use either a one-row table or a cell array. In this case, using a cell array can be more convenient than creating and assigning a one-row table.

For example, assign data to a new row at the end of outages. Display the end of the table.

outages(end+1,:) = {"East",datetime("now"),17.3,325,datetime("tomorrow"),"unknown"};
ans=3×6 table
      Region          OutageTime         Loss      Customers    RestorationTime           Cause      
    ___________    ________________    ________    _________    ________________    _________________

    "SouthEast"    2013-12-20 19:52    0.023096     0.10382     2013-12-20 23:29    "thunder storm"  
    "SouthEast"    2011-09-14 11:55     0.45042      1.1835     2011-09-14 13:28    "equipment fault"
    "East"         2025-01-23 01:48        17.3         325     2025-01-24 00:00    "unknown"        

To assign data to multiple rows, assign values from another table that has variables with the same names and data types. For example, create a new two-row table.

newOutages = table(["West";"North"], ...
                   datetime(2024,1,1:2)', ...
                   [3;4], ...
                   [300;400], ...
                   datetime(2024,1,3:4)',["unknown";"unknown"], ...
newOutages=2×6 table
    Region     OutageTime     Loss    Customers    RestorationTime      Cause  
    _______    ___________    ____    _________    _______________    _________

    "West"     01-Jan-2024     3         300         03-Jan-2024      "unknown"
    "North"    02-Jan-2024     4         400         04-Jan-2024      "unknown"

Assign the two-row table to the first two rows of outages. Then display the first four rows of outages.

outages(1:2,:) = newOutages;
ans=4×6 table
      Region          OutageTime        Loss     Customers    RestorationTime           Cause      
    ___________    ________________    ______    _________    ________________    _________________

    "West"         2024-01-01 00:00         3        300      2024-01-03 00:00    "unknown"        
    "North"        2024-01-02 00:00         4        400      2024-01-04 00:00    "unknown"        
    "SouthEast"    2003-02-07 21:15     2.894     14.294      2003-02-17 08:14    "winter storm"   
    "West"         2004-04-06 05:44    4.3481     34.037      2004-04-06 06:10    "equipment fault"

Assign Values to Elements

To assign values to elements of a table, use curly braces. For example, assign causes for the first two outages.

outages{1,"Cause"} = "severe storm";
outages{2,"Cause"} = "attack";
ans=4×6 table
      Region          OutageTime        Loss     Customers    RestorationTime           Cause      
    ___________    ________________    ______    _________    ________________    _________________

    "West"         2024-01-01 00:00         3        300      2024-01-03 00:00    "severe storm"   
    "North"        2024-01-02 00:00         4        400      2024-01-04 00:00    "attack"         
    "SouthEast"    2003-02-07 21:15     2.894     14.294      2003-02-17 08:14    "winter storm"   
    "West"         2004-04-06 05:44    4.3481     34.037      2004-04-06 06:10    "equipment fault"

Find Table Rows Where Values Meet Conditions

To find the rows of a table where values meet conditions, use logical indexing. Specify the table variables that have values of interest and create an array of row indices where values in those variables meet conditions that you specify. Index into the table using the row indices.

First, import power outage data from a spreadsheet into a table.

outages = readtable("outages.csv",TextType="string")
outages=1468×6 table
      Region          OutageTime        Loss     Customers     RestorationTime           Cause      
    ___________    ________________    ______    __________    ________________    _________________

    "SouthWest"    2002-02-01 12:18    458.98    1.8202e+06    2002-02-07 16:50    "winter storm"   
    "SouthEast"    2003-01-23 00:49    530.14    2.1204e+05                 NaT    "winter storm"   
    "SouthEast"    2003-02-07 21:15     289.4    1.4294e+05    2003-02-17 08:14    "winter storm"   
    "West"         2004-04-06 05:44    434.81    3.4037e+05    2004-04-06 06:10    "equipment fault"
    "MidWest"      2002-03-16 06:18    186.44    2.1275e+05    2002-03-18 23:23    "severe storm"   
    "West"         2003-06-18 02:49         0             0    2003-06-18 10:54    "attack"         
    "West"         2004-06-20 14:39    231.29           NaN    2004-06-20 19:16    "equipment fault"
    "West"         2002-06-06 19:28    311.86           NaN    2002-06-07 00:51    "equipment fault"
    "NorthEast"    2003-07-16 16:23    239.93         49434    2003-07-17 01:12    "fire"           
    "MidWest"      2004-09-27 11:09    286.72         66104    2004-09-27 16:37    "equipment fault"
    "SouthEast"    2004-09-05 17:48    73.387         36073    2004-09-05 20:46    "equipment fault"
    "West"         2004-05-21 21:45    159.99           NaN    2004-05-22 04:23    "equipment fault"
    "SouthEast"    2002-09-01 18:22    95.917         36759    2002-09-01 19:12    "severe storm"   
    "SouthEast"    2003-09-27 07:32       NaN    3.5517e+05    2003-10-04 07:02    "severe storm"   
    "West"         2003-11-12 06:12    254.09    9.2429e+05    2003-11-17 02:04    "winter storm"   
    "NorthEast"    2004-09-18 05:54         0             0                 NaT    "equipment fault"

Next, create row indices that match the rows where a variable meets a condition. For example, create indices for rows where the region is West.

rows = matches(outages.Region,"West")
rows = 1468x1 logical array


You can index into a table with logical indices. Display the rows of the table for the outages that occur in the West region.

ans=354×6 table
    Region       OutageTime        Loss     Customers     RestorationTime           Cause      
    ______    ________________    ______    __________    ________________    _________________

    "West"    2004-04-06 05:44    434.81    3.4037e+05    2004-04-06 06:10    "equipment fault"
    "West"    2003-06-18 02:49         0             0    2003-06-18 10:54    "attack"         
    "West"    2004-06-20 14:39    231.29           NaN    2004-06-20 19:16    "equipment fault"
    "West"    2002-06-06 19:28    311.86           NaN    2002-06-07 00:51    "equipment fault"
    "West"    2004-05-21 21:45    159.99           NaN    2004-05-22 04:23    "equipment fault"
    "West"    2003-11-12 06:12    254.09    9.2429e+05    2003-11-17 02:04    "winter storm"   
    "West"    2004-12-21 18:50    112.05     7.985e+05    2004-12-29 03:46    "winter storm"   
    "West"    2002-12-16 13:43    70.752    4.8193e+05    2002-12-19 09:38    "winter storm"   
    "West"    2005-06-29 08:37    601.13         32005    2005-06-29 08:57    "equipment fault"
    "West"    2003-04-14 07:11    276.41        1.5647    2003-04-14 08:52    "equipment fault"
    "West"    2003-10-21 17:25    235.12         51496    2003-10-21 19:43    "equipment fault"
    "West"    2005-10-21 08:33       NaN         52639    2005-11-22 22:10    "fire"           
    "West"    2003-08-28 23:46    172.01    1.6964e+05    2003-09-03 02:10    "wind"           
    "West"    2005-03-01 14:39    115.47         82611    2005-03-03 05:58    "equipment fault"
    "West"    2005-09-26 06:32    258.18    1.3996e+05    2005-09-26 06:33    "earthquake"     
    "West"    2003-12-22 03:40    232.26    3.9462e+05    2003-12-24 16:32    "winter storm"   

You can match multiple conditions with one logical expression. For example, find the rows where outages affected more than one million customers in the West or MidWest regions.

rows = (outages.Customers > 1e6 & (matches(outages.Region,"West") | matches(outages.Region,"MidWest")));
ans=10×6 table
     Region         OutageTime        Loss     Customers     RestorationTime           Cause      
    _________    ________________    ______    __________    ________________    _________________

    "MidWest"    2002-12-10 10:45     14493    3.0879e+06    2002-12-11 18:06    "unknown"        
    "West"       2007-10-20 20:56    3537.5    1.3637e+06    2007-10-20 22:08    "equipment fault"
    "West"       2006-12-28 14:04    804.05    1.5486e+06    2007-01-04 14:26    "severe storm"   
    "MidWest"    2006-07-16 00:05    1817.9     3.295e+06    2006-07-27 14:42    "severe storm"   
    "West"       2006-01-01 11:54    734.11      4.26e+06    2006-01-11 01:21    "winter storm"   
    "MidWest"    2008-09-19 23:31    4801.1    1.2151e+06    2008-10-03 14:04    "severe storm"   
    "MidWest"    2008-09-07 23:35       NaN     3.972e+06    2008-09-19 17:19    "severe storm"   
    "West"       2011-07-24 02:54    483.37    1.1212e+06    2011-07-24 12:18    "wind"           
    "West"       2010-01-24 18:47    348.91    1.8865e+06    2010-01-30 01:43    "severe storm"   
    "West"       2010-05-17 09:10    8496.6    2.0768e+06    2010-05-18 22:43    "equipment fault"

Summary of Table Indexing Syntaxes

This table lists every table indexing syntax with every type of index and the resulting outputs. You can specify rows and variables by position, name, or data type.

  • Linear indexing is not supported. When you index with curly braces or parentheses, you must specify both rows and variables.

  • Variable names and row names can include any characters, including spaces and non-ASCII characters. Also, they can start with any character, not just letters. Variable and row names do not have to be valid MATLAB identifiers (as determined by the isvarname function).

  • When you specify rows or variables by name, you can use a pattern object to specify names. For example, "Var" + digitsPattern matches all names that start with Var and end with any number of digits. (since R2022a)






Array, with data extracted from one variable



Not specified

Specified as:

  • A variable name (without quotation marks)

  • An expression inside parentheses that returns a variable name or number

  • T.Date

    Array extracted from table variable named Date

  • T.("2019-06-30")

    Array extracted from table variable named 2019-06-30

  • T.(1)

    Array extracted from the first table variable

Array, with specified elements of data extracted from one variable



Not specified

The indices i,j,... do not specify rows of the table, but rather elements of the extracted array.

Specified as:

  • A variable name (without quotation marks)

  • An expression inside parentheses that returns a variable name or number

Specify array elements using numeric or logical indices.

If the extracted array is a matrix or multidimensional array, you can specify multiple numeric indices.

  • T.Date(1:5)

    First five elements of array extracted from table variable named Date

  • T.("2019-06-30")(1:5)

    First five elements of array extracted from table variable named 2019-06-30

  • T.(1)(1:5)

    First five elements of array extracted from the first table variable

  • T.Var1(1:5,1:3)

    First five rows and first three columns of matrix or multidimensional array extracted from table variable named Var1

Array, with data concatenated from specified rows and variables


Specified as:

  • Row numbers (between 1 and m)

  • Logical array that has m elements

  • Names, if T has row names

  • Times, if T is a timetable

  • Colon (:), meaning all rows

  • end keyword, meaning last row

Specified as:

  • Variable numbers (between 1 and n)

  • Logical array that has n elements

  • Names

  • Colon (:), meaning all variables

  • end keyword, meaning last variable

  • T{1:5,[1 4 5]}

    Array concatenated from the first five rows and the first, fourth, and fifth variables of T

  • T{1:5,[true false false true true]}

    Array concatenated from the first five rows and the first, fourth, and fifth variables of T

  • T{:,["A","B"]}

    Array concatenated from all rows and the variables named A and B

  • T{:,"A" + wildcardPattern}

    Array concatenated from all rows and the variables whose names start with A

Array, with data concatenated from specified rows and variables that have a specified data type

S = vartype(type);


Specified as:

  • Row numbers (between 1 and m)

  • Logical array that has m elements

  • Names, if T has row names

  • Times, if T is a timetable

  • Colon (:), meaning all rows

  • end keyword, meaning last row

Specified as a data type subscript, such as vartype("numeric"), vartype("categorical"), or vartype("datetime")

  • S = vartype("numeric");


    Array concatenated from the first five rows and the numeric variables of T

Array, with data concatenated from all rows and variables


Not specified

Not specified

  • T.Variables

    Identical to array returned by T{:,:}

Table, with specified rows and variables


Specified as:

  • Row numbers (between 1 and m)

  • Logical array that has m elements

  • Names, if T has row names

  • Times, if T is a timetable

  • Colon (:), meaning all rows

  • end keyword, meaning last row

Specified as:

  • Variable numbers (between 1 and n)

  • Logical array that has n elements

  • Names

  • Colon (:), meaning all variables

  • end keyword, meaning last variable

  • T(1:5,[1 4 5])

    Table that has the first five rows and the first, fourth, and fifth variables of T

  • T(1:5,[true false false true true])

    Table that has the first five rows and the first, fourth, and fifth variables of T

  • T(:,["A","B"])

    Table that has all rows and the variables named A and B

  • T(:,"A" + wildcardPattern)

    Table that has all rows and the variables whose names start with A

Table, with specified rows and variables that have a specified data type

S = vartype(type);


Specified as:

  • Row numbers (between 1 and m)

  • Logical array that has m elements

  • Names, if T has row names

  • Times, if T is a timetable

  • Colon (:), meaning all rows

  • end keyword, meaning last row

Specified as a data type subscript, such as vartype("numeric"), vartype("categorical"), or vartype("datetime")

  • S = vartype("numeric");


    Table that has the first five rows and the numeric variables of T

See Also

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