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Solve BVP with Singular Term

This example shows how to solve Emden's equation, which is a boundary value problem with a singular term that arises in modeling a spherical body of gas.

After reducing the PDE of the model using symmetry, the equation becomes a second-order ODE defined on the interval [0,1],


At x=0, the (2/x) term is singular, but symmetry implies the boundary condition y(0)=0. With this boundary condition, the term (2/x)y is well defined as x0. For the boundary condition y(1)=3/2, the BVP has an analytical solution that you can compare to a numeric solution calculated in MATLAB®,


The BVP solver bvp4c can solve singular BVPs that have the form


The matrix S must be constant and the boundary conditions at x=0 must be consistent with the necessary condition Sy(0)=0. Use the 'SingularTerm' option of bvpset to pass the S matrix to the solver.

You can rewrite Emden's equation as a system of first-order equations using y1=y and y2=y as



The boundary conditions become



In the required matrix form, the system is


In matrix form it is clear that S=[000-2] and f(x,y)=[y2-y15].

To solve this system of equations in MATLAB, you need to code the equations, boundary conditions, and options before calling the boundary value problem solver bvp4c. You either can include the required functions as local functions at the end of a file (as done here), or save them as separate, named files in a directory on the MATLAB path.

Code Equation

Create a function to code the equations for f(x,y). This function should have the signature dydx = emdenode(x,y), where:

  • x is the independent variable.

  • y is the dependent variable.

  • dydx(1) gives the equation for y1, and dydx(2) the equation for y2.

These inputs are automatically passed to the function by the solver, but the variable names determine how you code the equations. In this case:

function dydx = emdenode(x,y)
dydx = [y(2) 

The term that contains S is passed to the solver using options, so that term is not included in the function.

Code Boundary Conditions

Now, write a function that returns the residual value of the boundary conditions at the boundary points. This function should have the signature res = emdenbc(ya,yb), where:

  • ya is the value of the boundary condition at the beginning of the interval.

  • yb is the value of the boundary condition at the end of the interval.

For this problem, one of the boundary conditions is for y1, and the other is for y2. To calculate the residual values, you need to put the boundary conditions into the form g(x,y)=0.

In this form the boundary conditions are



The corresponding function is then

function res = emdenbc(ya,yb)
res = [ya(2)
       yb(1) - sqrt(3)/2];

Create Initial Guess

Lastly, create an initial guess of the solution. For this problem, use a constant initial guess that satisfies the boundary conditions, and a simple mesh of five points between 0 and 1. Using many mesh points is unnecessary since the BVP solver adapts these points during the solution process.



guess = [sqrt(3)/2; 0];
xmesh = linspace(0,1,5);
solinit = bvpinit(xmesh, guess);

Solve Equation

Create a matrix for S and pass it to bvpset as the value of the 'SingularTerm' option. Finally, call bvp4c with the ODE function, boundary condition function, initial guess, and option structure.

S = [0 0; 0 -2];
options = bvpset('SingularTerm',S);
sol = bvp4c(@emdenode, @emdenbc, solinit, options);

Plot Solution

Calculate the value of the analytical solution in [0,1].

x = linspace(0,1);
truy = 1 ./ sqrt(1 + (x.^2)/3);

Plot the analytical solution and the solution calculated by bvp4c for comparison.

title('Emden Problem -- BVP with Singular Term.')
ylabel('solution y');

Figure contains an axes object. The axes object with title Emden Problem -- BVP with Singular Term., xlabel x, ylabel solution y contains 2 objects of type line. One or more of the lines displays its values using only markers These objects represent Analytical, Computed.

Local Functions

Listed here are the local helper functions that the BVP solver bvp4c calls to calculate the solution. Alternatively, you can save these functions as their own files in a directory on the MATLAB path.

function dydx = emdenode(x,y) % equation being solved 
dydx = [y(2) 
function res = emdenbc(ya,yb) % boundary conditions
res = [ya(2)
       yb(1) - sqrt(3)/2];

See Also

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