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비선형 ARX 모델

시그모이드, 웨이블릿과 같은 동적 네트워크를 사용하여 모델링한 비선형 동작

비선형 ARX 모델을 사용하여 웨이블릿 네트워크, 트리 분할, 시그모이드 네트워크와 같은 동적 비선형성 추정기를 이용해 시스템의 비선형성을 나타냅니다. 이들 모델은 툴박스에서 idnlarx 객체로 표현됩니다. System Identification 앱 또는 명령줄에서 nlarx 명령을 사용하여 비선형 ARX 모델을 추정할 수 있습니다.

System Identification측정된 데이터에서 동적 시스템의 모델 식별하기


모두 확장

idnlarxNonlinear ARX model
nlarxEstimate parameters of nonlinear ARX model
nlarxOptionsOption set for nlarx
isnlarxDetect nonlinearity in estimation data
initSet or randomize initial parameter values
getpvecObtain model parameters and associated uncertainty data
setpvecModify values of model parameters
linearRegressorSpecify linear regressor for nonlinear ARX model (R2021a 이후)
polynomialRegressorSpecify polynomial regressor for nonlinear ARX model (R2021a 이후)
periodicRegressorSpecify periodic regressor for nonlinear ARX model (R2022a 이후)
customRegressorSpecify custom regressor for nonlinear ARX model (R2021a 이후)
getregRegressor expressions and numerical values in nonlinear ARX model
polyreg(Not recommended) Powers and products of standard regressors
customreg(Not recommended) Custom regressor for nonlinear ARX models
addreg(Not recommended) Add custom regressors to nonlinear ARX model
idWaveletNetworkWavelet network function for nonlinear ARX and Hammerstein-Wiener models
idSigmoidNetworkSigmoid network function for nonlinear ARX and Hammerstein-Wiener models
idTreePartitionTree-partitioned nonlinear function for nonlinear ARX models
idCustomNetworkCustom network function for nonlinear ARX and Hammerstein-Wiener models
idLinearLinear mapping object for nonlinear ARX models
idGaussianProcessGaussian process regression mapping function for nonlinear ARX and Hammerstein-Wiener models (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) (R2021b 이후)
idTreeEnsembleDecision tree ensemble mapping function for nonlinear ARX models (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) (R2021b 이후)
idSupportVectorMachineSupport vector machine regression mapping function for nonlinear ARX models (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox) (R2022a 이후)
idNeuralNetworkMultilayer neural network mapping function for nonlinear ARX models and Hammerstein-Wiener models (requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox or Deep Learning Toolbox) (R2023b 이후)
idFeedforwardNetwork(Not recommended) Multilayer feedforward neural network mapping function for nonlinear ARX models (requires Deep Learning Toolbox)
evaluateEvaluate output values of idnlarx or idnlhw mapping object array for given set of input values
simSimulate response of identified model
simOptionsOption set for sim
predict식별된 모델의 향후 K-스텝 출력 사전 예측
predictOptionsOption set for predict
compareCompare identified model output with measured output
compareOptionsOption set for compare
forecastForecast identified model output
forecastOptionsOption set for forecast
nlarxPlotPlot nonlinearity of nonlinear ARX model (R2023a 이후)
evaluateEvaluate output values of idnlarx or idnlhw mapping object array for given set of input values
getDelayInfoGet input/output delay information for idnlarx model structure
idnlarx/findopCompute operating point for Nonlinear ARX model
findopOptionsOption set for findop
idnlarx/operspecConstruct operating point specification object for idnlarx model
idnlarx/linearizeLinearize nonlinear ARX model
linappLinear approximation of nonlinear ARX and Hammerstein-Wiener models for given input


모두 확장

Nonlinear ARX ModelSimulate nonlinear ARX model in Simulink software
Iddata Sink시뮬레이션 데이터를 iddata 객체로 MATLAB 작업 공간으로 내보내기
Iddata SourceImport time-domain data stored in iddata object in MATLAB workspace

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