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Define Multiple AXI Master Interfaces in Reference Designs to Access DUT AXI4 Slave Interface

You can define multiple AXI Master interfaces in your custom reference design and access the AXI4 slave interfaces in the generated HDL DUT IP core for the DUT. This capability enables you to simultaneously connect the HDL DUT IP core to two or more AXI Master IP in the reference design, such as the HDL Verifier™ JTAG AXI Manager IP and the ARM® processor in the Zynq® processing system.

Vivado-Based Reference Designs

To define multiple AXI Master interfaces, you specify the BaseAddressSpace and MasterAddressSpace for each AXI Master instance. Depending on your design, you may also need to specify the IDWidth property. For more information on ID width, see IDWidth.

This code is the syntax for the MasterAddressSpace field when specifying multiple AXI Master interfaces in Vivado®-based reference designs:

'MasterAddressSpace', ...
   {'AXI Master Instance Name1/Address Space of Instance Name1', ...
    'AXI Master Instance Name2/Address_Space of Instance Name2',...};

For example, this code illustrates how you can modify the plugin_rd file to define two AXI Master interfaces.

% ...

%% Add custom design files
% add custom Vivado design
hRD.addCustomVivadoDesign( ...
    'CustomBlockDesignTcl', 'system_top.tcl', ...
    'VivadoBoardPart',      '');

% ...
% ...

% The DUT IP core in this reference design is connected 
% to both Zynq Processing System and the AXI Manager IP. 

hRD.addAXI4SlaveInterface( ...
    'InterfaceConnection', 'axi_interconnect_0/M00_AXI', ...
    'BaseAddress',         {'0x40010000', '0x40010000'}, ...
    'MasterAddressSpace',  {'processing_system7_0/Data', 'hdlverifier_axi_manager_0/axi4m'}, ...

% ...

In this example, the two AXI Master IP are the HDL Verifier AXI Manager IP and the ARM processor. Based on the syntax of the MasterAddressSpace, for the HDL Verifier AXI Manager IP, the AXI Master Instance Name is hdlverifier_axi_manager_0 and the Address_Space of Instance Name is axi4m.

The AXI4 slave interfaces in the HDL DUT IP core connect to the Xilinx® AXI Interconnect IP that is defined by the InterfaceConnection property of the addAXI4SlaveInterface method. The AXI4 slave interfaces have a BaseAddress. This BaseAddress must map to the MasterAddressSpace for the two AXI Master IP, which is specified as a cell array of character vectors.

You must make sure that the AXI Master IPs have already been included in the Vivado reference design project. system_top.tcl is the TCL file that is defined by the CustomBlockDesignTcl property of the addCustomVivadoDesign method. In this TCL file, you must make sure that the two AXI Master IP are connected to the same Xilinx AXI Interconnect IP. The interconnects then connect the AXI Master IPs to the AXI4 slave interfaces in the HDL IP core.

After you run the IP Core Generation workflow and create the Vivado project, open the project. In the Vivado project, if you open the block design, you see the two AXI Master IP connected to the HDL DUT IP core. If you select the Address Editor tab, you see the AXI Master instance names and the corresponding address spaces.

Qsys-Based Reference Designs

To define multiple AXI Master interfaces, you specify the BaseAddressSpace and MasterAddressSpace for each AXI Master instance. Depending on your design, you may also need to specify the IDWidth property. For more information on ID width, see IDWidth.

This code is the syntax for the InterfaceConnection field when specifying multiple AXI Master interfaces in Qsys™-based reference designs:

'InterfaceConnection', ...
   {'AXI Master Instance Name1/Port name of Instance Name1', ...
    'AXI Master Instance Name2/Port name of Instance Name1', ...};

For example, this code illustrates how you can modify the plugin_rd file to define three AXI Master interfaces.

% ...

%% Add custom design files
% add custom Qsys design
hRD.addCustomQsysDesign('CustomQsysPrjFile', 'system_soc.qsys');
hRD.CustomConstraints = {'system_soc.sdc','system_setup.tcl'};

% ... 

% add AXI4 slave interfaces
hRD.addAXI4SlaveInterface( ...
    'InterfaceConnection', {'hps_0.h2f_axi_master','master_0.master','AXI_Manager_0.axm_m0'}, ... 
    'BaseAddress',         {'0x0000_0000','0x0000_0000','0x0000_0000'},...
    'InterfaceType',       'AXI4'); 

% ...

Based on the syntax of the InterfaceConnection option, for the HDL Verifier AXI Manager IP, the AXI Master Instance Name is AXI_Manager_0 and the Port name is axm_m0. For each AXI Master IP, the BaseAddress of the HDL IP core and InterfaceConnection must be specified as a cell array of character vectors.

You must make sure that the AXI Master IPs have already been included in the Qsys reference design project. system_soc.qsys is the file that is defined by the CustomQsysPrjFile property of the addCustomQsysDesign method. In this file, you must make sure that the two AXI Master IP are connected to the same Qsys AXI Interconnect IP.

The interconnects then connect the AXI Master IPs to the AXI4 slave interfaces in the HDL IP core.

After you run the IP Core Generation workflow and create the Quartus® project, open the project. In the Quartus project, you see the three AXI Master IP and the AXI Master interfaces connected to the HDL IP core for the DUT. If you select the Address Map tab, you see the AXI Master instance names, the port names, and the corresponding address spaces.

See Also


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