Multivariate Normal Regression Functions
Financial Toolbox™ software has a number of functions for multivariate normal regression with or without missing data. The toolbox functions solve four classes of regression problems with functions to estimate parameters, standard errors, log-likelihood functions, and Fisher information matrices. The four classes of regression problems are:
Additional support functions are also provided, see Support Functions.
In all functions, the MATLAB® representation for the number
of observations (or samples) is NumSamples =
the number of data series is NumSeries =
and the number of model parameters is NumParams =
The moment estimation functions have NumSeries = NumParams
The collection of observations (or samples) is stored in a MATLAB matrix Data
for k = 1, ..., NumSamples
, where Data
a NumSamples
For the multivariate normal regression or least-squares functions,
an additional required input is the collection of design matrices
that is stored as either a MATLAB matrix or a vector of cell
arrays denoted as Design
If Numseries = 1
, Design
be a NumSamples
This is the “standard” form for regression on a single
data series.
If Numseries = 1
, Design
be either a cell array with a single cell or a cell array with NumSamples
Each cell in the cell array contains a NumSeries
such that
for k = 1, ..., NumSamples
. If Design
a single cell, it is assumed to be the same Design
for each sample such that
Otherwise, Design
must contain individual
design matrices for each sample.
The main distinction among the four classes of regression problems
depends upon how missing values are handled and where missing values
are represented as the MATLAB value NaN
. If
a sample is to be ignored given any missing values in the sample,
the problem is said to be a problem “without missing data.”
If a sample is to be ignored if and only if every element of the sample
is missing, the problem is said to be a problem “with missing
data” since the estimation must account for possible NaN
in the data.
In general, Data
may or may not have missing
values and Design
should have no missing values.
In some cases, however, if an observation in Data
to be ignored, the corresponding elements in Design
also ignored. Consult the function reference pages for details.
Multivariate Normal Regression Without Missing Data
You can use the following functions for multivariate normal regression without missing data.
Estimate model parameters, residuals, and the residual covariance. | |
Estimate standard errors of model and covariance parameters. | |
Estimate the Fisher information matrix. | |
Calculate the log-likelihood function. |
The first two functions are the main estimation functions. The second two are supporting functions that can be used for more detailed analyses.
Multivariate Normal Regression With Missing Data
You can use the following functions for multivariate normal regression with missing data.
Estimate model parameters, residuals, and the residual covariance. | |
Estimate standard errors of model and covariance parameters. | |
Estimate the Fisher information matrix. | |
Calculate the log-likelihood function. |
The first two functions are the main estimation functions. The second two are supporting functions used for more detailed analyses.
Least-Squares Regression With Missing Data
You can use the following functions for least-squares regression with missing data or for covariance-weighted least-squares regression with a fixed covariance matrix.
Estimate model parameters, residuals, and the residual covariance. | |
Calculate the least-squares objective function (pseudo log-likelihood). |
To compute standard errors and estimates for the Fisher information matrix, the multivariate normal regression functions with missing data are used.
Estimate standard errors of model and covariance parameters. | |
Estimate the Fisher information matrix. |
Multivariate Normal Parameter Estimation With Missing Data
You can use the following functions to estimate the mean and covariance of multivariate normal data.
Estimate the mean and covariance of the data. | |
Estimate standard errors of the mean and covariance of the data. | |
Estimate the Fisher information matrix. | |
Estimate the Fisher information matrix using the Hessian. | |
Calculate the log-likelihood function. |
These functions behave slightly differently from the more general regression functions since they solve a specialized problem. Consult the function reference pages for details.
Support Functions
Two support functions are included.
Convert a multivariate normal regression model into an SUR model. | |
Obtain initial estimates for the mean and covariance of
a |
The convert2sur
function converts a
multivariate normal regression model into a seemingly unrelated regression, or SUR,
model. The second function ecmninit
is a specialized function
to obtain initial ad hoc estimates for the mean and covariance of a
matrix with missing data. (If there are no missing
values, the estimates are the maximum likelihood estimates for the mean and
See Also
| mvnrstd
| mvnrfish
| mvnrobj
| ecmmvnrmle
| ecmmvnrstd
| ecmmvnrfish
| ecmmvnrobj
| ecmlsrmle
| ecmlsrobj
| ecmmvnrstd
| ecmmvnrfish
| ecmnmle
| ecmnstd
| ecmnfish
| ecmnhess
| ecmnobj
| convert2sur
| ecmninit