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Gather synchronized label data from ground truth

Since R2020a


labelData = gatherLabelData(gTruth,signalNames,labelTypes) returns synchronized label data gathered from multisignal ground truth data, gTruth. The function returns label data for the signals specified by signalNames and the label types specified by labelTypes.

[labelData,timestamps] = gatherLabelData(___) additionally returns the signal timestamps associated with the gathered label data, using the arguments from the previous syntax.

Use timestamps with the writeFrames function to write the associated signal frames from the groundTruthMultisignal objects to disk. Use these frames and the associated labels as training data for machine learning or deep learning models.


[___] = gatherLabelData(___,Name=Value) specifies options using one or more name-value arguments in addition to any combination of arguments from previous syntaxes. For example, Verbose=True enables display to the workspace environment.


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Gather label data for a video signal and a lidar point cloud sequence signal from a groundTruthMultisignal object. Write the signal frames associated with that label data to disk and visualize the frames.

Add the point cloud sequence folder path to the MATLAB® search path. The video is already on the MATLAB search path.

pcSeqDir = fullfile(toolboxdir('driving'),'drivingdata', ...

Load a groundTruthMultisignal object that contains label data for the video and the lidar point cloud sequence.

data = load('MultisignalGTruth.mat');
gTruth = data.gTruth;

Specify the signals from which to gather label data.

signalNames = ["video_01_city_c2s_fcw_10s" "lidarSequence"];

The video contains rectangle labels, whereas the lidar point cloud sequence contains cuboid labels. Gather the rectangle labels from the video and the cuboid labels from the lidar point cloud sequence.

labelTypes = [labelType.Rectangle labelType.Cuboid];
[labelData,timestamps] = gatherLabelData(gTruth,signalNames,labelTypes);

Display the first eight rows of label data from the two signals. Both signals contain data for the Car label. In the video, the Car label is drawn as a rectangle bounding box. In the lidar point cloud sequence, the Car label is drawn as a cuboid bounding box.

videoLabelSample = head(labelData{1})
lidarLabelSample = head(labelData{2})
videoLabelSample =



    {[299 213 42 33]}

lidarLabelSample =



    {[17.7444 6.7386 3.3291 3.6109 3.2214 3.5583 0 0 0]}

Write signal frames associated with the gathered label data to temporary folder locations, with one folder per signal. Use the timestamps returned by the gatherLabelData function to indicate which signal frames to write.

outputFolder = fullfile(tempdir,["videoFrames" "lidarFrames"]);
fileNames = writeFrames(gTruth,signalNames,outputFolder,timestamps);
Writing 2 frames from the following signals:

* video_01_city_c2s_fcw_10s
* lidarSequence

Load the written video signal frames by using an imageDatastore object. Load the associated rectangle label data by using a boxLabelDatastore object.

imds = imageDatastore(fileNames{1});
blds = boxLabelDatastore(labelData{1});

Load the written lidar signal frames by using a fileDatastore object. Load the associated cuboid label data by using a boxLabelDatastore object.

fds = fileDatastore(fileNames{2},'ReadFcn',@pcread);
clds = boxLabelDatastore(labelData{2});

Visualize the written video frames by using a vision.VideoPlayer object. Visualize the written lidar frames by using a pcplayer object.

videoPlayer = vision.VideoPlayer;

ptCloud = preview(fds);
ptCloudPlayer = pcplayer(ptCloud.XLimits,ptCloud.YLimits,ptCloud.ZLimits);

while hasdata(imds)
    % Read video and lidar frames.
    I = read(imds);
    ptCloud = read(fds);

    % Visualize video and lidar frames.

Remove the path to the point cloud sequence folder.


Input Arguments

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Multisignal ground truth data, specified as a groundTruthMultisignal object or vector of groundTruthMultisignal objects.

Each groundTruthMultisignal object in gTruth must include all the signals specified in the signalNames input.

In addition, each object must include at least one marked label per gathered label definition. Suppose gTruth is a groundTruthMultisignal object containing label data for a single video signal named video_front_camera. The object contains marked rectangle region of interest (ROI) labels for the car label definition but not for the truck label definition. If you use this syntax to gather labels of type Rectangle from this object, then the gatherLabelData function returns an error.

labelData = gatherLabelData(gTruth,"video_front_camera",labelType.Rectangle);

Names of the signals from which to gather label data, specified as a character vector, string scalar, cell array of character vectors, or string vector. The signal names must be valid signal names stored in the input multisignal ground truth data, gTruth.

To obtain the signal names from a groundTruthMultisignal object, use this syntax, where gTruth is the variable name of the object:


Example: 'video_01_city_c2s_fcw_10s'

Example: "video_01_city_c2s_fcw_10s"

Example: {'video_01_city_c2s_fcw_10s','lidarSequence'}

Example: ["video_01_city_c2s_fcw_10s" "lidarSequence"]

Label types from which to gather label data, specified as a labelType enumeration scalar, labelType enumeration vector, or a cell array of labelType enumeration scalars and vectors. The gatherLabelData function gathers label data for each signal specified by input signalNames and each groundTruthMultisignal object specified by input gTruth. The number of elements in labelTypes must match the number of signals in signalNames.

Gather Label Data for Single Label Type per Signal

To gather label data for a single label type per signal, specify labelTypes as a labelType enumeration scalar or vector. Across all groundTruthMultisignal objects in gTruth, the gatherLabelData function gathers labelTypes(n) label data from signalName(n), where n is the index of the label type and the corresponding signal name whose label data is to be gathered. Each returned table in the output labelData cell array contains data for only one label type per signal.

In this code sample, the gatherLabelData function gathers labels of type Rectangle from a video signal named video_front_camera. The function also gathers labels of type Cuboid from a lidar point cloud sequence signal stored in a folder named lidarData. The gTruth input contains the groundTruthMultisignal objects from which this data is to be gathered.

labelData = gatherLabelData(gTruth, ...
                            ["video_front_camera","lidarData"], ...

To gather label data for a single label type from separate signals, you must repeat the label type for each signal. In this code sample, the gatherLabelData function gathers labels of type Rectangle from the video_left_camera and video_right_camera video signals.

labelData = gatherLabelData(gTruth, ...
                            ["video_left_camera","video_right_camera"], ...

Gather Label Data for Multiple Label Types per Signal

To gather label data for multiple label types per signal, specify labelTypes as a cell array of labelType enumeration scalars and vectors. Across all groundTruthMultisignal objects in gTruth, the gatherLabelData function gathers labelTypes{n} label data from signalName(n), where n is the index of the label types and the corresponding signal name whose label data is to be gathered. The function groups the data for these label types into one table per signal per groundTruthMultisignal object.

In this code sample, the gatherLabelData function gathers labels of type Rectangle and Line from the video_front_camera video signal. The function also gathers labels of type Cuboid from a lidar point cloud sequence signal stored in a folder named lidarData. The gTruth input contains the groundTruthMultisignal objects from which this data is to be gathered.

labelData = gatherLabelData(gTruth, ...
                            ["video_front_camera", ...
                             "lidarData"], ...
                            {[labelType.Rectangle labelType.Line], ...

Valid Enumeration Types

You can specify one or more of these enumeration types.

  • labelType.Rectangle — Rectangle ROI labels

  • labelType.RotatedRectangle — Rotated Rectangle ROI labels

  • labelType.Cuboid — Cuboid ROI labels (point clouds)

  • labelType.ProjectedCuboid — Projected cuboid ROI labels (images and video data)

  • labelType.Line — Line ROI labels

  • labelType.PixelLabel — Pixel ROI labels

  • labelType.Polygon — Pixel ROI labels

  • labelType.Scene — Scene labels

To gather label data for scenes, you must specify labelTypes as the labelType.Scene enumeration scalar. You cannot specify any other label types with labelType.Scene.

Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: (SamplingFactor=5) sets the subsampling factor to 5 to drop every fifth frame.

Sample factor used to subsample label data, specified as a positive integer. A sample factor of K includes every Kth signal frame. Increase the sample factor to drop redundant frames from signals with high sample rates, such as videos. To set the SamplingFactor with projected cuboid data, you must specify the LabelData name-value argument to labelType.ProjectedCuboid.

Use sampled data to reduce repeated data, such as a sequence of images with the same scene and labels. It can also help in reducing training time.

Group columns from label data, specified as "LabelName" or "LabelType".

  • "LabelName" — Groups the label data into columns by label definitions.

  • "LabelType" — Groups the label data into columns by label type. You can use this option to gather label data while retaining the region-of-interest (ROI) stacking order determined by the label type.

Logical to indicate if attribute and sublabel data is returned in label data output, specified as a logical false (0) or true (1). A value of false indicates that only the position values that correspond to ROIs are collected. A value of true indicates that each table in LabelData contain structs that contain the position, attributes, and sublabels associated with each label.

Output Arguments

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Label data, returned as an M-by-N cell array of tables, where:

  • M is the number of groundTruthMultisignal objects in gTruth.

  • When labelTypes contains ROI labelType enumerations, N is the number of signals in signalNames and the number of elements in labelTypes. In this case, labelData{m,n} contains a table of label data for the nth signal of signalNames that is in the mth groundTruthMultisignal object of gTruth. The table contains label data for only the label types in the nth position of labelTypes.

  • When labelTypes contains only the labelType.Scene enumeration, N is equal to 1. In this case, labelData{m} contains a table of scene label data across all signals in the mth groundTruthMultisignal object of gTruth.

For a given label data table, tbl, the table is of size T-by-L, where:

  • T is the number of timestamps in the signal for which label data exists.

  • L is the number of label definitions that are of the label types gathered for that signal.

  • tbl(t,l) contains the label data gathered for the lth label at the tth timestamp.

If one of the signals has no label data at a timestamp, then the corresponding label data table does not include a row for that timestamp.

For each cell in the table, the format of the returned label data depends on the type of label.

Label TypeStorage Format for Labels at Each Timestamp

M-by-4 numeric matrix of the form [x, y, w, h], where:

  • M is the number of labels in the frame.

  • x and y specify the upper-left corner of the rectangle.

  • w specifies the width of the rectangle, which is its length along the x-axis.

  • h specifies the height of the rectangle, which is its length along the y-axis.


For one or more rotated rectangles, specify in spatial coordinates as an M-by-5 numeric matrix, where each row specifies a rotated rectangle of the form [xctr yctr w h yaw].

  • M is the number of rotated rectangles.

  • xctr and yctr specify the center of the rectangle.

  • w specifies the width of the rectangle, which is its length along the x-axis before rotation.

  • h specifies the height of the rectangle, which is its length along the y-axis before rotation.

  • yaw specifies the rotation angle in degrees. The rotation is clockwise-positive around the center of the rectangle.


M-by-9 numeric matrix with rows of the form [xctr, yctr, zctr, xlen, ylen, zlen, xrot, yrot, zrot], where:

  • M is the number of labels in the frame.

  • xctr, yctr, and zctr specify the center of the cuboid.

  • xlen, ylen, and zlen specify the length of the cuboid along the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis, respectively, before rotation has been applied.

  • xrot, yrot, and zrot specify the rotation angles for the cuboid along the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis, respectively. These angles are clockwise-positive when looking in the forward direction of their corresponding axes.

The figure shows how these values determine the position of a cuboid.

Cuboid with center point, lengths, and rotation angles labeled


M-by-8 vector of the form [x1, y1, w1, h1, x2, y2, w2, h2], where:

  • M is the number of labels in the frame.

  • x1, y1 specifies the x,y coordinates for the upper-left location of the front-face of the projected cuboid

  • w1 specifies the width for the front-face of the projected cuboid.

  • h1 specifies the height for the front-face of the projected cuboid.

  • x2, y2 specifies the x,y coordinates for the upper-left location of the back-face of the projected cuboid.

  • w2 specifies the width for the back-face of the projected cuboid.

  • h2 specifies the height for the back-face of the projected cuboid.

The figure shows how these values determine the position of a cuboid.

Labeled projected cuboid


M-by-1 vector of cell arrays, where M is the number of labels in the frame. Each cell array contains an N-by-2 numeric matrix of the form [x1 y1; x2 y2; ... ; xN yN] for N points in the polyline.


Label data for all pixel label definitions is stored in a single M-by-1 PixelLabelData column for M images or frames. Each element contains a filename for a pixel label image. A pixel label image describes the label or labels contained in the corresponding image. The labels can be described as a 1- or 3- channel label matrix. To use PixelLabelData with any of the labeler apps, you must use a single-channel label matrix, where the values are of type uint8. You can convert a 3-channel pixel label data matrix to a single-channel label matrix programmatically to use with the labeler apps.


M-by-1 vector of cell arrays, where M is the number of labels. Each cell array contains an N-by-2 numeric matrix of the form [x1 y1; x2 y2; ... ; xN yN] for N points in the polygon.

labelType.SceneLogical 1 (true) if the scene label is applied. Otherwise logical 0 (false)

Label Data Format

Consider a cell array of label data gathered by using the gatherLabelData function. The function gathers labels from three groundTruthMultisignal objects with variable names gTruth1, gTruth2, and gTruth3.

  • For a video signal named video_front_camera, the function gathers labels of type Rectangle and Line.

  • For a lidar point cloud sequence signal stored in a folder named lidarData, the function gathers labels of type Cuboid.

This code shows the call to the gatherLabelData function.

labelData = gatherLabelData([gTruth1 gTruth2 gTruth3], ...
                            ["video_front_camera", ...
                             "lidarData"], ...
                            {[labelType.Rectangle labelType.Line], ...
The labelData output is a 3-by-2 cell array of tables. Each row of the cell array contains label data for one of the groundTruthMultisignal objects. The first column contains the label data for the video signal, video_front_camera. The second column contains the label data for the point cloud sequence signal, lidarData. This figure shows the labelData cell array.

labelData cell array

This figure shows the label data table for the video signal in the third groundTruthMultisignal object. The gatherLabelData function gathered data for a Rectangle label named car and a Line label named lane. The table contains label data at four timestamps in the signal.

Label data table for video signal in labelData cell array

This figure shows the label data table for the lidar signal in the third groundTruthMultisignal object. The gatherLabelData function gathered data for a Cuboid label, also named car. The car label appears in both signal types because it is marked as a Rectangle label for video signals and a Cuboid label for lidar signals. The table contains label data at four timestamps in the signal.

Label data table for point cloud signal in labelData cell array

Signal timestamps, returned as an M-by-N cell array of duration vectors, where:

  • M is the number of groundTruthMultisignal objects in gTruth.

  • N is the number of signals in signalNames.

  • labelData{m,n} contains the timestamps for the nth signal of signalNames that is in the mth groundTruthMultisignal object of gTruth.

If you gather label data from multiple signals, the signal timestamps are synchronized to the timestamps of the first signal specified by signalNames.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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