Configure AUTOSAR Architecture Model Programmatically
An AUTOSAR architecture model provides resources and a canvas for developing AUTOSAR composition and component models. You develop the software architecture by using graphical user interfaces, equivalent architecture modeling functions, or both. AUTOSAR Blockset provides functions for these architecture related tasks.
Tasks | Functions |
Create, load, open, save, or close an AUTOSAR architecture model | autosar.arch.createModel autosar.arch.loadModel close open save |
Specify the platform kind of an AUTOSAR architecture model | setPlatform |
Add, connect, or remove AUTOSAR components, composition, and ports | addComponent addComposition addPort connect destroy importFromARXML layout |
Find AUTOSAR elements and modify properties | find get set |
Define component behavior by creating or linking Simulink® models | createModel linkToModel |
Add Basic Software (BSW) service component blocks for simulating BSW service calls | addBSWService |
Export composition and component ARXML descriptions and generate component code (requires Embedded Coder®) | export getXmlOptions setXmlOptions |
Programmatically Create and Configure Architecture Model
This example shows how to:
Create and open an AUTOSAR architecture model.
Open and link a data dictionary containing data types and interfaces.
Set the platform kind of the architecture model to the Classic Platform explicitly.
Add a composition and components.
Add architecture, composition, and component ports.
Connect architecture, composition, and component ports.
Create and link Simulink® implementation models for components.
Arrange architecture model layout based on heuristics.
Set component and port properties.
Remove a component.
Search for elements at different levels of the architecture model hierarchy.
List property values for composition ports.
Copy commands from the steps below to the MATLAB® command window.
1. Create and open an AUTOSAR architecture model, myArchModel
modelName = "myArchModel";
archModel = autosar.arch.createModel(modelName);
2. Open the data dictionary, tpc_interfaces.sldd
, and link it to myArchModel
dictName = "tpc_interfaces.sldd"; archDataObj ="tpc_interfaces.sldd"); set_param(modelName,"DataDictionary",dictName);
3. Set the platform kind of the architecture model to the AUTOSAR Classic Platform. By default the autosar.arch.createModel
function creates an architecture model configured for the Classic Platform, but you can also set the platform kind directly using the setPlatform
4. Add a composition, Sensors
, to myArchModel
composition = addComposition(archModel,"Sensors");
5. Add components representing the pedal and throttle sensors to the composition Sensors
names = {"PedalSnsr","ThrottleSnsr"}; sensorSWCs = addComponent(composition,names,"Kind","SensorActuator");
6. Use the layout
function to auto-arrange the composition layout.
7. At the top level of the architecture model, add components representing the controller and actuator.
controller = addComponent(archModel,"Controller"); actuator = addComponent(archModel,"Actuator");
8. Set the Kind
property of the actuator and organize the layout of the model, now that new components have been added.
set(actuator,"Kind","SensorActuator"); layout(archModel);
9. Add ports to myArchModel
and Sensors
. Specify the port kind to be either Sender
or Receiver
addPort(archModel,"Receiver",{'APP_HwIO', 'TPS_HwIO'}); addPort(archModel,"Sender","ThrCmd_HwIO"); addPort(composition,"Receiver",{'TPS_HwIO','APP_HwIO'}); addPort(composition,"Sender",{'APP_Percent', 'TPS_Percent'});
10. Link the components representing the pedal sensor, actuator and controller to the pre-existing Simulink models: autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor
, autosar_tpc_actuator
, and autosar_tpc_controller
pedalSnsr = find(composition,"Component","Name","PedalSnsr"); linkToModel(pedalSnsr,"autosar_tpc_pedal_sensor"); linkToModel(actuator, "autosar_tpc_actuator"); linkToModel(controller, "autosar_tpc_controller")
11. Use the find
function to find the throttle sensor component of the Sensors
ThrottleSensor = find(composition,"Component","Name","ThrottleSnsr");
12. Add ports to the throttle sensor component using the addPort
sport = addPort(ThrottleSensor,"Sender","TPS_Percent"); rport = addPort(ThrottleSensor,"Receiver","TPS_HwIO");
13. Get and set the interfaces for the sender and receiver ports from the data dictionary.
sInt = getInterface(archDataObj,"TPS_Percent"); rInt = getInterface(archDataObj,"TPS_HwIO"); setInterface(sport,sInt); setInterface(rport,rInt);
14. Create the model representing the throttle sensor.
15. Connect the composition and components based on their matching port names and using the connect
connect(archModel,composition,controller); connect(archModel,controller,actuator); connect(archModel,[],composition); connect(archModel,actuator,[]); connect(composition,[],pedalSnsr); connect(composition,[],ThrottleSensor); connect(composition,pedalSnsr,[]); connect(composition,ThrottleSensor,[]); connect(archModel,composition,controller);
16. Alternatively, use the find
function to find specific ports, and then use the found information to only connect specific ports.
ThrCmd_Percent_pport = find(controller,"Port","Name","ThrCmd_Percent"); ThrCmd_Percent_rport = find(actuator,"Port","Name","ThrCmd_Percent"); connect(archModel, ThrCmd_Percent_pport, ThrCmd_Percent_rport); layout(archModel);
17. Use the find
function to search for components in the top level of an architecture model:
components_in_arch_top_level = find(archModel,"Component");
Search an entire hierarchy:
components_in_all_hierarchy = find(archModel,"Component","AllLevels",true);
Search only a single composition:
composition_ports = find(composition,"Port");
18. List specific property values for composition ports using a for loop.
for ii=1:length(composition_ports) Port = composition_ports(ii); portName = get(Port,"Name"); portKind = get(Port,"Kind"); fprintf('%s port %s\n',portKind,portName); end
Receiver port TPS_HwIO Receiver port APP_HwIO Sender port APP_Percent Sender port TPS_Percent
19. Finally, simulate the architecture model.
See Also
Classic Component | Software Composition | Diagnostic Service Component | NVRAM Service Component
Related Topics
- Create AUTOSAR Architecture Models
- Add and Connect AUTOSAR Classic Components and Compositions
- Define AUTOSAR Component Behavior by Creating or Linking Models
- Configure AUTOSAR Scheduling and Simulation
- Generate and Package AUTOSAR Composition XML Descriptions and Component Code
- Author AUTOSAR Compositions and Components in Architecture Model