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Perceptual metrics and sound quality evaluation

Audio Toolbox™ provides features relating to psychoacoustics, which is the study of how humans perceive sound. Use these features to measure perceptual properties of sound, such as loudness, tonality, quality, and intelligibility.


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integratedLoudnessMeasure integrated loudness and loudness range
loudnessMeterStandard-compliant loudness measurements
stoiShort-time objective intelligibility measure (Since R2024a)
visqolObjective metric for perceived audio quality (Since R2024a)
acousticToneToNoiseRatioIdentify and quantify tones in acoustic signals (Since R2023b)
acousticProminenceRatioQuantify tonality by comparing critical bands (Since R2023b)
acousticLoudnessPerceived loudness of acoustic signal (Since R2020a)
acousticSharpnessPerceived sharpness of acoustic signal (Since R2020a)
acousticFluctuationPerceived fluctuation strength of acoustic signal (Since R2020b)
acousticRoughnessPerceived roughness of acoustic signal (Since R2021a)
calibrateMicrophoneCalibration factor for microphone (Since R2020a)
erb2hzConvert from equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB) scale to hertz
bark2hzConvert from Bark scale to hertz
mel2hzConvert from mel scale to hertz
hz2erbConvert from hertz to equivalent rectangular bandwidth (ERB) scale
hz2barkConvert from hertz to Bark scale
hz2melConvert from hertz to mel scale
phon2soneConvert from phon to sone (Since R2020a)
sone2phonConvert from sone to phon (Since R2020a)


Loudness MeterStandard-compliant loudness measurements


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