Simulink Coder Support Package for BBC micro:bit Board

Tech Preview that generates and deploys code for BBC micro:bit
다운로드 수: 526
업데이트 날짜: 2024/12/11

Simulink® Coder™ Support Package for BBC micro:bit enables you to design Simulink models and run them on the BBC micro:bit. The support package includes a library of Simulink blocks giving access to on-chip and on-board peripherals like accelerometer, magnetometer, 5x5 LED Matrix, IO pins etc. The model can be deployed to the hardware in one click including automatic flashing of the hardware. The support package also supports signal logging and parameter tuning while the code runs in real-time via External mode.
Note: This support package is a Technology Preview. Technology Previews provide advanced access to potential new product features. This gives you an opportunity to test out the functionality and provide feedback. As it is a Technology Preview, there may be functional limitations. Some features may change in future versions.

This support package is functional for releases from R2016b onwards.
Platforms support : Windows 64-bit and Mac

Check out the getting started video for the support package here:


This video shows you how to install the Simulink Coder™ Support Package for BBC micro:bit and how to update the firmware on the BBC micro:bit board to fully take advantage of all the capabilities of the support package


This video shows you how to create a Simulink® model to display a happy face on the 5x5 LED matrix present on the BBC micro:bit board. It also goes through the list of Simulink blocks allowing you to access peripherals on the board like ADC, PWM, Accelerometer, Magnetometer, GPIO, LED, I²C, SPI, Radio communications, etc


This video shows you how to create a Simulink® model that reacts on the accelerometer data to display different patterns on the 5x5 LED matrix present on the BBC micro:bit board. You will learn how to visualize signals and tune the parameters while the model is running in real-time on the hardware.

If you have download or installation issues, please contact Technical Support:

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2016b
R2016b에서 R2025a까지의 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
Windows macOS (Apple Silicon) macOS (Intel) Linux
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