Roshni Khetan
2017년부터 활동
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Fsolve stops fsolve stopped because the sum of squared function values, r, has gradient with relative norm 0; this is less than options.OptimalityTolerance
Here is the function which I am trying to tune %Inputs for tuning function [o] = react_Coil_tuning_rev1(x) T_w...
Fsolve stops fsolve stopped because the sum of squared function values, r, has gradient with relative norm 0; this is less than options.OptimalityTolerance
Here is the function which I am trying to tune %Inputs for tuning function [o] = react_Coil_tuning_rev1(x) T_w...
거의 7년 전 | 0
답변 있음
Fsolve stops fsolve stopped because the sum of squared function values, r, has gradient with relative norm 0; this is less than options.OptimalityTolerance
sorry that was a typo on this forum - fun = @reactCoil_tuning_rev1
Fsolve stops fsolve stopped because the sum of squared function values, r, has gradient with relative norm 0; this is less than options.OptimalityTolerance
sorry that was a typo on this forum - fun = @reactCoil_tuning_rev1
거의 7년 전 | 0
Fsolve stops fsolve stopped because the sum of squared function values, r, has gradient with relative norm 0; this is less than options.OptimalityTolerance
Fsolve not converging: FUNCTION: %%Defines all inputs and then goes into a for loop with anonymous functions for the unk...
거의 7년 전 | 답변 수: 4 | 0
How to pass anonymous handle in a for loop?
function [o] = testScript(x) input1 = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8]; input2 = [3,9,1.3,4,0.9,1.1,1.2]; output = [2.5071,11.5204,1....
거의 7년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
How can I tune an existing model to fit two correlations with multiple (>2) independent variables?
function(T_out1, P_out1, T_out2,P_out2) = thermal(T_in1, P_in1, T_in2, P_in2) k1 = fn(T_in1, P_in1, T_in2,P_in2) and of the f...
거의 7년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
how to solve this error: FSOLVE requires all values returned by functions to be of data type double?
function E = valvecoeff(x) % cv_249 = x(1); % cv_251 = x(2); m_w1 = 3.5; m_w2 = 1.5; T_water_out_DIC1 = 80+273;...
7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
how to solve error of subscripted dimension mismatch?
% the code works for one iteration and stops at column 27 for the second iteration T_air_DIC1 = []; i =1; T_air_DIC...
7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
how to optimize 2 functions for a set point output value using fsolve?
% basically, I have set values for the outputs of two functions named 'AC_LPCA', and 'DIC1' below. I want the %correspondin...
7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
답변답변 있음
Function program to optimize multiple variables of an equation
did you find a solution? I am looking for a very similar thing
Function program to optimize multiple variables of an equation
did you find a solution? I am looking for a very similar thing
7년 초과 전 | 0
how to optimize an input variable to a function to obtain a set point output variable?
T_in_IC1 = 35; T_in_DIC = 80; T_in_a = 120; [T_out_IC1,T_a_out_IC1] = IC1(m_w1,T_in_IC1,T_in_a); T_a_in_IC2 = 23*T...
7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
How to extract data with a higher resolution/lesser delta x from a figure ?
I want to have series y at corresponding series x from the figure, and this series x might not be the same while creating the o...
7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Undefined function 'power' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'
%SCRIPT [M2,H] = B249VALVEcurve() cv_249= [M2]; [M,H] = B251valveperfcurve() cv_251 = [M]; % a vector for opening ...
7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
FZERO cannot continue because user-supplied function_handle ==> @(m_w2)(PD_2(m_w2)-PD_1(m_w2)) failed with the error below. Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
m_tot = 8; % in kg/sec [M2,H] = B249VALVEcurve() C_v249= [M2]; [M,H] = B251valveperfcurve() C_v251 = [M];% a vector for ope...
7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Undefined function 'minus' for input arguments of type 'function_handle'.
m_tot = 8; % in kg/sec [M2,H] = B249VALVEcurve() C_v249= [M2]; [M,H] = B251valveperfcurve() C_v251 = [M];% a vecto...
7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0