Georgia Institute of Technology
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Indexing a 3D Surface
You would need to pass in the x and y vectors as 2D arrays (think of it as XY coordinates for the surface). You can accomplish ...
Indexing a 3D Surface
You would need to pass in the x and y vectors as 2D arrays (think of it as XY coordinates for the surface). You can accomplish ...
거의 5년 전 | 0
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Calculating the Regression Coefficient
For simple linear regression in the least-square sense, you could do something like this: % Calculating the regression coeffici...
Calculating the Regression Coefficient
For simple linear regression in the least-square sense, you could do something like this: % Calculating the regression coeffici...
거의 5년 전 | 0
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a function that draws a plot and use an input for the filename of the plot
See below for sample code: close all % Initialize some data temperatures = rand(1,30)*35; plot_test(temperatures, 1); f...
a function that draws a plot and use an input for the filename of the plot
See below for sample code: close all % Initialize some data temperatures = rand(1,30)*35; plot_test(temperatures, 1); f...
거의 5년 전 | 0
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a function that draws a plot and use an input for the filename of the plot
You can use a sprintf command in your function as: saveLocation = sprintf(‘C:\Figure_%d.jpg’, figurenumber); saveas(gcf, s...
a function that draws a plot and use an input for the filename of the plot
You can use a sprintf command in your function as: saveLocation = sprintf(‘C:\Figure_%d.jpg’, figurenumber); saveas(gcf, s...
거의 5년 전 | 0
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Echo effect to an audio recording
Since you are clearly looking to learn Matlab, I would recommend you try implementing the code yourself. For a start though, und...
Echo effect to an audio recording
Since you are clearly looking to learn Matlab, I would recommend you try implementing the code yourself. For a start though, und...
거의 5년 전 | 0
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Outline the shape in the image
You could try using contourf and specify the contour levels as an input argument. For example: % Create an example mesh x = l...
Outline the shape in the image
You could try using contourf and specify the contour levels as an input argument. For example: % Create an example mesh x = l...
거의 5년 전 | 0
Multidimensional Sparse Matrix Representation
I've been going through the forum archives for an efficient solution to multidimensional sparse matrix representation in Matlab,...
7년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0