Techsource Technical Team
Techsource Systems
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We're here to show that programming low-cost hardware with Simulink can be fun! We understand that picking up the Simulink low-cost hardware Support Packages can be a challenge for first-timers.
Our projects range from easy-medium-difficult level and aim to remove the early roadblocks that come with trying something new. They contain full model files, component libraries and step by step documentation with pictures.
At this early stage we will be focusing on Simulink Support Package for Arduino.
We're located in South-East Asia: In Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore and Thailand.
Raspberry Pi and Arduino Serial Communication
This submission enables serial communication between Arduino and Raspberry Pi in Simulink.
8년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 3 |
Data Logger on Arduino UNO
Program a Data Logging Shield using the S-Function Builder
거의 9년 전 | 다운로드 수: 13 |

3 Note Piano on Arduino with S-Functions
Use of Arduino Capacitive Sensing Library in Simulink using S-Functions
9년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 1 |

Arduino IR Proximity Detector
Detect how close an object is and map its proximity to a note.
9년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 2 |

Driver for Arduino Data Logging Shield
Driver for Arduino Data Logging Shield
9년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 1 |

Play a Tune on Arduino
An early introduction to using S-Functions with Simulink + Arduino.
9년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 3 |

Traffic Light on Arduino using Stateflow
Model a traffic light switching sequence using Stateflow
9년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 13 |

Traffic Light + Switch on Arduino
Have automated and manual modes for traffic light switching. Change anytime between the two modes!
9년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 6 |

Automatic Night Light
Automatic night light which switches on when its dark - using Arduino and LDR
9년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 4 |

Low speed motor Encoder with LED and LDR
Simple encoder with Arduino, LED and LDR
9년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 2 |

Morse Code SOS Interpreter
ASCII -> Arduino -> LED or Piezo Electric Speaker
9년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 1 |