
Michael Jarboe

Last seen: Today 2015년부터 활동

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Automation/Autonomous Development Engineer

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Unit conversion
Convert x degree Celsius to y degree Fahrenheit.

대략 3시간 전

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Determine whether the number is multiple of 3 or not
Let a=6 and as 6 = 2*3 which means 6 is multiple of 3; return true if a is multiple of 3,otherwise false.

대략 3시간 전

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Find The area of the square
Given that the length of the side of a square is x, find the area.

대략 3시간 전

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Distance Travelled by Vehicle

대략 3시간 전

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cube of number
find cube of number

11일 전

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Find Logic 32

11일 전

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divide by 5

11일 전

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Sum All Positive Elements
Output a scalar that is equal to the sum of all positive elements in a given vector/matrix. For Example: The sum of all positi...

11일 전

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Reverse a string
Return a string with the characters in reverse order from a given input string Ex: my_str = "Ciao" function should output "...

11일 전

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Remove Unique Elements
Given a list of integers, we want to keep only the non-unique elements in this list. To do this, we need to remove all the uniqu...

11일 전

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Finding the Most Frequent Letter in a Text
You are given a text containing various English letters, digits and punctuation symbols. Your task is to find the most frequentl...

11일 전

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Matrix Rotation
Write a MATLAB function that rotates a given matrix by 90 degrees clockwise. The rotation should be performed in-place, without ...

24일 전

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Negative matrix
Change the sign of all elements in given matrix.

24일 전

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Sum positive elements of matrix.
Calculate sum of positive elements of the matrix.

24일 전

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Sort in descending order.

24일 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Find the logic
There exists one logic in between input and output. Find it (easy math). Example 1: x=13 then y=339; Example 2: x=26...

대략 2개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Basic Mathematics 4
Team #1 is in first place but only one point higher than Team #2. The sum of their two scores is N. What are each team’s scores...

대략 2개월 전

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Replace every 3rd element in a vector with 4
x is a vector of undetermined length You are to replace every 3rd element with the number 4, example: x = [11 23 34 43 2 3...

대략 2개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Matlab Basics II - Extract last 3 elements of a vector
Let x be a vector of unknown length, we are always interested in the last 3 numbers in the vector, write a function that gives t...

대략 2개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Range of Values in a Matrix
Create a function that accepts a matrix of real numbers as input and returns the range of the values contained in the matrix. Th...

대략 2개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Array Width (no usage of size)
Find the array width. Size may not be used.

대략 2개월 전

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Calculate the Voltage Through a Step-Up Transformer
Given a step-up transformer has a primary coil with A number loops, a secondary coil with B number loops, and a primary voltage ...

대략 2개월 전

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Energy Conversion 2

대략 2개월 전

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An Ohm's Law Calculator
*BACKGROUND / MOTIVATION:* Many important observations in math and science can be described by short, but powerful, equations...

대략 2개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Hard limit function
Classify x data as if x>=0 then y=1 if x<0 then y=0 Example x = [ -2 -1 0 1 2] y = [ 0 0 1 1 1]

대략 2개월 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Summation of Non Zeros Numbers in String Variable
Find the Summation of Non Zeros Numbers in String Variable The input : x = '100205' The Output : y = 8

대략 2개월 전

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Getting values from a vector
This exercise is for finding the values that meet your criteria. a = [-5 28 7 83 73]; b = 23 ; c = (a > b) Then : c = ...

대략 2개월 전

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Rotate Matrix @180 degree
Rotate Matrix @180 degree Example A=[8 1 6; 3 5 7; 4 9 2], then answer would be [2 9 4;...

2개월 전

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Double all elements in the array
Duplicate all elements in the array

2개월 전

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the average value of the elements
Calculate the average value of the elements in the array

2개월 전

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