
Sudharsana Iyengar

Last seen: 7개월 전 2013년부터 활동

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Plotting Complex Functions.
I intend to do a taylor series expansion at t=0. I would like to plot the coefficients of each Taylor term in the complex plan...

7개월 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0



문제를 풀었습니다

Matrix Quadrants
Write a function that takes N as the input, and outputs a matrix whose upper-left (NxN) quadrant contains all ones, the lower-ri...

2년 초과 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Calculate the Number of Sign Changes in a Row Vector (No Element Is Zero)
For a row vector: V=[7 1 2 -3] there is one sign change (from 2 to -3). So, the function you write must return N=1. F...

거의 3년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Rotate Matrix @180 degree
Rotate Matrix @180 degree Example A=[8 1 6; 3 5 7; 4 9 2], then answer would be [2 9 4;...

거의 3년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Converts numbers into characters
Converts numbers into characters

거의 3년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Find the max element of the array
Find the max element of the array

거의 3년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Square root
Given x (a matrix), give back another matrix, where all the elements are the square roots of x's elements.

거의 3년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Calculate the average value of the elements in the array
Calculate the average value of the elements in the array

거의 3년 전

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to the 2 all elements
to the 2 all elements

거의 3년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

the average value of the elements
Calculate the average value of the elements in the array

거의 3년 전

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Double all elements in the array
Duplicate all elements in the array

거의 3년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

calculate the length of matrix
input 1 array, calculate the length

거의 3년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Draw a '0' in a one matrix!

거의 3년 전

문제를 풀었습니다

Times 2 - START HERE
Try out this test problem first. Given the variable x as your input, multiply it by two and put the result in y. Examples:...

거의 3년 전

답변 있음
How to solve for dI/dz differential equation using runge kutta 4th order method?
use ode45 create a function of your diffrential equations and use ODE 45. This is an example, do a similar for yours. funct...

3년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
question about result in matlab
Try this syms A B C D E F eqn1= A - 0.25*E == 6.25; eqn2=B-0.25*F-0.25*D == 4.45; eqn3=C-0.25*E == 6.8; eqn4=D-0.25*B==5....

3년 초과 전 | 0

| 수락됨

답변 있음
Error: Index exceeds array bounds.
Can you check the Size of W. and see what W(1) contains. mod_MulInverse(i)=Column1(i); %working mod_MulInverse(i)=W(1);% ...

3년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
function call and getting array error
U_s_x is a 4x9x9 matrix but U_px is 1x2 matrix. So there is no U_px(3,4) did you check on that. U_s_x(i,j,k)=U_p...

3년 초과 전 | 0

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답변 있음
Arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation.
Hi in your program you have A which is size 100 and B that is size 400. Thats is why this issue. Change your program to this. ...

3년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
how to arrange vector to matrix?
You can try using the functions perms. or if you want cyclic permutations x=[1,2,3,4,5,6]; v=perms(x) X=[1,2,3,4,5,6]; V=[...

3년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
2D wave direction Plot with Arrow
You can use the in built quiver function which is in Matlab. For instance when you want to plot the wind direction in a given re...

3년 초과 전 | 0

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답변 있음
Moving x and y of a picture and transfr color
Do you want to perform a PCA in 3D. You can use hyperpca command in Image Processing tool box. It is not clear to me what you ...

3년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
Please explain the following code for me !!!
You have generated code using generate code in the file menu of your figure. So next time when you want to make a figure of th...

3년 초과 전 | 0

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답변 있음
How to use imageDatastore function to train model on .mat file dataset?
General Tutorial:

3년 초과 전 | 0

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Beginner Question 5x5 Matrix
@Kutay Furkan AKALIN consider accepting answer so that it is closed. @Steven Lord that is an amazing discovery.

3년 초과 전 | 0

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load dat file in matlab
You can try readtable T=readtable('somefile.dat')

3년 초과 전 | 0

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답변 있음
Interleaved repmat (row duplication)
Try this A=[1,0,0; 0 0 1; 1 1 1;]; k=1; for i =1:3 T(k:k+1,:)=repmat(A(i,:),2,1); k=k+2; end T

3년 초과 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to turn off X axis while keeping the X axis grid lines?
Hi Please try this and see if this is what you wanted. grid on set(gca,'Xticklabel',{})

3년 초과 전 | 1

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답변 있음
grouping values that as need
An example: x=linspace(1,60,60); k=1; for i =1:6:length(x) B(k,1:6)=x(i:i+5) %; add this semicolon if you dont want this t...

3년 초과 전 | 1

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답변 있음
How to turn off X axis while keeping the X axis grid lines?
grid on set(gca,'Xtick',[],'Ytick',[])

3년 초과 전 | 0

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