Chris Cleveland
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Let the cody begin! Professional Interests: Mathematics, Chemical Engineering, Electrochemical Systems, and Machine Learning.
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Energy of a photon
*⚛ ☢ ⚛ ☢ ⚛ ☢ ⚛* Given the frequency F of a photon in giga hertz. Find energy E of this...
대략 7년 전
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Some Assembly Required
The input to this function is a matrix of real numbers. Your job is to assemble the rows of the matrix into one large row that ...
대략 7년 전
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What is the next step in Conway's Life?
Given a matrix A that represents the state of <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conway's_Game_of_Life Conway's game of Life> at one ...
대략 7년 전
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Pi Digit Probability
Assume that the next digit of pi constant is determined by the historical digit distribution. What is the probability of next di...
7년 초과 전
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How to subtract?
* Imagine you need to subtract a few numbers using MATLAB. * You will not be using eval for this task. * Given two ASCII strin...
7년 초과 전
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Make a rainbow matrix (follow-up to checkerboard matrix)
Given an integer n, make an n-by-n matrix as shown below. The a(1,1) should be 0. As we move away from the top-left, the number ...
7년 초과 전
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adding huge numbers
Write function called huge_add that adds together two positive integers of any length specified as char vectors using decimal n...
7년 초과 전
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Equal temperament - musical notes and frequency
Starting from 440Hz note (musical note A above middle C), create 13 notes, using twelve-tone equal temperament, in Herz units. ...
7년 초과 전
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The last non-zero digit of a factorial
For given positive integer n, what is the last non-zero digit of n!? Example: factorial(11) = 39916800 Last non-zero d...
7년 초과 전
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The number of trailing zero digit of a factorial
For given positive integer n, take factorial of that number. How many trailing zeros does it have? Example: factorial(11) = 3...
7년 초과 전
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Smallest n, for n! to have m trailing zero digits
For given positive integer n, its factorial often has many trailing zeros, in other words many factors of 10s. In order for n! t...
7년 초과 전
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Under the sea: Snell's law & total internal reflection
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snell's_law> When a light travels from one medium to another medium, depending on the refracti...
7년 초과 전
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Fractal: area and perimeter of Koch snowflake
Starting from an equilateral triangle with side 's', what is the area and perimeter of Koch snowflake at n'th recursive iteratio...
7년 초과 전
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Adaptive ZigZag
Unfold a 2-D matrix to a 1-D array in Adaptive zig-zag order, e.g., for matrix [ 1 2 5 6; 3 4 7 8; 9 10 13 14; ...
7년 초과 전
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Stop a ZigZag scanning N*N Matrix at any diag you want
Suppose that we have a 2-D matrix and we try to obtain a 1-D array in zig-zag order, but not all values of our 2-D matrix e...
7년 초과 전
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First use of arrayfun() and anonymous function @(x)
Create an anonymous function using @(x) for a parabola equation for the given coefficients stored in s with s(1)x2 + s(2)x +...
7년 초과 전
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Determine if a four bar mechanism is of Grashof type
A four bar mechanism is composed of four links. if s is the smallest link, l the longest and p,q are the length of the other lin...
7년 초과 전
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'5*3' copy character 3 - five times
The input is a string. Wherever a * sign occurs in string repeat copies of character on the right hand side of * sign. The numbe...
7년 초과 전
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Given a square matrix(A), find the determinant(d). For example: A = [1,3;4,5] d = 1*5-4*3 = -7
7년 초과 전
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Matrix game: Winner takes all
Given a matrix A, return a new matrix of the same size in which the biggest element of each column in A takes 1, and 0 for all t...
7년 초과 전
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number of groups
In a classroom, *n* students work on a special project and the other students work in groups of five. If there are 18 students i...
7년 초과 전
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Find my secret function IV
We use the same secret function used on the past "Find my secret function ..." x=23 -------->> y=3 X=1000 ------->> 163
7년 초과 전
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Find my secret function III
only write a function gives you an outputs as expls: input: x=2 ------->>> Output: Y=1 input: x=100 ------->>> Output: Y=...
7년 초과 전
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Find my secret function II
If give my function a x value it will give me a y value, so find the secret of it: Examples: input x=23 ---- >>> output y=1...
7년 초과 전
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Find my secret function I
If give my function a x value it will give me a y value, so find the secret of it: Examples: input x=[2 5 6 8 9] ---- >>> o...
7년 초과 전
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Determine whether the number is multiple of 3 or not
Let a=6 and as 6 = 2*3 which means 6 is multiple of 3; return true if a is multiple of 3,otherwise false.
7년 초과 전
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Percentage profit:6: Cumulative Interest
If a bank is giving r% yearly cumulative interest for deposit, how much money we can get by depositing x amount of money monthly...
7년 초과 전
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Percentage profit:5: Cumulative Interest
If a bank is giving r% yearly cumulative interest for deposit, how much profit we can get by keeping x amount of money for n mon...
7년 초과 전