Stack overflow in mex
Hi Friends, I have one confusion regarding a mex code. The code is giving me a segmentation fault. #include<math.h> #...
대략 7년 전 | 답변 수: 4 | 0
Matlab Coder : Size Mismatch Issue
Hi, I am using MATLAB coder to generate mex files for the matlab. Here is one error I am getting in line x2_est_sym = x...
대략 7년 전 | 답변 수: 2 | 0
MATLAB expression 'R_loc' is not of the correct complexness.
Hi, This is an issue I am getting using matlab coder. While declaring C the type I used was complex. But during run time some ...
거의 12년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
답변답변 있음
how to covariance of 16*16 matrix
cov(matrix). See this http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/ref/cov.html
how to covariance of 16*16 matrix
cov(matrix). See this http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/ref/cov.html
거의 12년 전 | 0
답변 있음
Function classify in matlab
The classifiers accuracy can never be 100%. The classifiers gets trained on training set and then work on the data. Porbably you...
Function classify in matlab
The classifiers accuracy can never be 100%. The classifiers gets trained on training set and then work on the data. Porbably you...
거의 12년 전 | 0
답변 있음
How to extract pixel values in 8-bit binary format from an image?
Once you extract the pixel from image quantize it to (0,256) fixed point representation. Let the pixel be p(i,j) the output shou...
How to extract pixel values in 8-bit binary format from an image?
Once you extract the pixel from image quantize it to (0,256) fixed point representation. Let the pixel be p(i,j) the output shou...
거의 12년 전 | 0
MEXCallMatlab very slow. Suggest alternate
Hi, I am working on a MEX file. I am using MEXCallMatlab which is very slow to call matlab inbuilt function as well as user de...
12년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
답변답변 있음
how to choose homogeneous blocks from image in matlab
Segment the image and pick up any region.
how to choose homogeneous blocks from image in matlab
Segment the image and pick up any region.
12년 초과 전 | 0
답변 있음
taking part of the picture
Here is an error you can't use imshow on an image. You have to first read it in a variable then use imshow on that. imshow(ROI) ...
taking part of the picture
Here is an error you can't use imshow on an image. You have to first read it in a variable then use imshow on that. imshow(ROI) ...
12년 초과 전 | 0
| 수락됨
답변 있음
How can I reduce the time complexity of this matlab code.. Its taking lot of time to execute when an image is fed as input.
Vectorize your code. Example you don't need inner loops you can use sum to get the value of counts. In the outer two loops you a...
How can I reduce the time complexity of this matlab code.. Its taking lot of time to execute when an image is fed as input.
Vectorize your code. Example you don't need inner loops you can use sum to get the value of counts. In the outer two loops you a...
12년 초과 전 | 1
| 수락됨
답변 있음
How can I find a number in a matrix?
http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/ref/find.html. see it.
How can I find a number in a matrix?
http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/ref/find.html. see it.
12년 초과 전 | 0
| 수락됨
답변 있음
find the position of a specific cell entry
[truefalse, index] = ismember('USA', B)
find the position of a specific cell entry
[truefalse, index] = ismember('USA', B)
12년 초과 전 | 0
| 수락됨
답변 있음
Scaling the values to specific range
D1=int16(S*32768) maps your any integer S*32768 outside the range to 32768 or for S>1 the output will be 32768(2^15) otherwise i...
Scaling the values to specific range
D1=int16(S*32768) maps your any integer S*32768 outside the range to 32768 or for S>1 the output will be 32768(2^15) otherwise i...
12년 초과 전 | 0
| 수락됨
답변 있음
Converting decimal value to binary
http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/ref/dec2bin.html. See this. It will do 2's complement for negative numbers
Converting decimal value to binary
http://www.mathworks.in/help/matlab/ref/dec2bin.html. See this. It will do 2's complement for negative numbers
12년 초과 전 | 0
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답변 있음
Multiple Dice Rolls Help
Here is what I feel will work fine % function SumDice=RollDice(NumDice,NumRolls) distribution=zeros(NumDice*6,1); for rol...
Multiple Dice Rolls Help
Here is what I feel will work fine % function SumDice=RollDice(NumDice,NumRolls) distribution=zeros(NumDice*6,1); for rol...
12년 초과 전 | 0
답변 있음
how to see x and y cordinate in the plot beyond its end point?
HI Satish, If you dont have any information about the values beyond 5 and 25 then you have to extrapolate. Well the typ...
how to see x and y cordinate in the plot beyond its end point?
HI Satish, If you dont have any information about the values beyond 5 and 25 then you have to extrapolate. Well the typ...
12년 초과 전 | 0
답변 있음
How can I display an image with all three color layers but with intensity for blue increased?
image(:,:,3) = round(image(:,:,3) + 255*BX/100
How can I display an image with all three color layers but with intensity for blue increased?
image(:,:,3) = round(image(:,:,3) + 255*BX/100
12년 초과 전 | 0
답변 있음
switch function case{name}
Here is an example from mathworks % x = [12, 64, 24]; plottype = 'pie3'; switch plottype case 'bar' ...
switch function case{name}
Here is an example from mathworks % x = [12, 64, 24]; plottype = 'pie3'; switch plottype case 'bar' ...
12년 초과 전 | 0
답변 있음
Placing the ouputs of while loop in an array
What is the problem. Start putting them as soon as they are generated. if true index = 0 a(index)=output ...
Placing the ouputs of while loop in an array
What is the problem. Start putting them as soon as they are generated. if true index = 0 a(index)=output ...
12년 초과 전 | 0
답변 있음
multiple number of inputs n
it do works. Just give the input in [2 3 4] brackets.
multiple number of inputs n
it do works. Just give the input in [2 3 4] brackets.
12년 초과 전 | 1
답변 있음
How to detect peaks in laser strip
It is not possible due to noise. Although if you just want a line use hough transform to get different lines and then select the...
How to detect peaks in laser strip
It is not possible due to noise. Although if you just want a line use hough transform to get different lines and then select the...
12년 초과 전 | 0
답변 있음
fitting of two curves and 6 unknown parameters
Use iteration with each variable keeping others constant. Then change other variables.
fitting of two curves and 6 unknown parameters
Use iteration with each variable keeping others constant. Then change other variables.
12년 초과 전 | 0
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답변 있음
reading edf file to workspace
Hi why don't you just use http://www.mathworks.in/matlabcentral/fileexchange/31900-edfread
reading edf file to workspace
Hi why don't you just use http://www.mathworks.in/matlabcentral/fileexchange/31900-edfread
12년 초과 전 | 0
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답변 있음
How to plot the columns data against the firs column (simulation time) instead of plotting against the serial number?
Hi you can just use it plot(x(:,1),x ,'o')
How to plot the columns data against the firs column (simulation time) instead of plotting against the serial number?
Hi you can just use it plot(x(:,1),x ,'o')
12년 초과 전 | 0
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답변 있음
I have generated a large dataset. Now I need to draw random samples from it. How can I do this?
For dataset w p = randperm(length(w)); % Reshuffle their order randomly z = w(p(1:N)); % Choose the first N of th...
I have generated a large dataset. Now I need to draw random samples from it. How can I do this?
For dataset w p = randperm(length(w)); % Reshuffle their order randomly z = w(p(1:N)); % Choose the first N of th...
12년 초과 전 | 0
| 수락됨
답변 있음
Mixture of Gaussian for Foreground object detection
Use segmentation . Once get the background subtract it. Search for expectation maximization and compression based segmentation t...
Mixture of Gaussian for Foreground object detection
Use segmentation . Once get the background subtract it. Search for expectation maximization and compression based segmentation t...
12년 초과 전 | 0
답변 있음
Finding the numbers of a vector with the same length?
Hi, You can save zero as it is and whenever 1 appears start a counter and count the number of 1s in succession. It is Run le...
Finding the numbers of a vector with the same length?
Hi, You can save zero as it is and whenever 1 appears start a counter and count the number of 1s in succession. It is Run le...
12년 초과 전 | 0