Fmincon optimization for complex vectors
I'm having an optimization problem where the objective function and the constraints have log terms , the optimization variable i...
대략 9년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
negative eigenvalues in sample covariance matrix
clc; clear; N=10; taps=2; snr=0; noise_var=0.05; h1r=randn(1,taps)/sqrt(2); h1i=randn(1,taps)/sqrt(2); h1=complex(h1...
10년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
eigen vectors and values algorithm
i need to know the algorithm by which matlab (or generally how can i) calculate the eigen values and vectors of a Non Symmetric ...
10년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
symbol rate simulation for different wireless standards
how could i generate data with certain symbol rate ? for ex in 802.11 there are several rates from 1 to 54 Mbps depending on ...
거의 11년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
how does awgn works
if h is normalaized to have 0dbw then after x=awgn(h,5); 1-what formula should i apply on x to see 5db; 2-is 10*log10(nor...
거의 11년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
답변답변 있음
fft normalization and parseval
@Matt J please what do u mean by formula for the transform that MATLAB uses is non-orthogonal by a factor of sqrt(N)
fft normalization and parseval
@Matt J please what do u mean by formula for the transform that MATLAB uses is non-orthogonal by a factor of sqrt(N)
거의 11년 전 | 0
fft normalization and parseval
h=complex(randi([-1 1],128,1),randi([-1 1],128,1)); h=h/std(h); % no h is normalized to unit pow thus var(h)=1 t=1...
거의 11년 전 | 답변 수: 3 | 0
modulation normalizating factor in matlab
in matlab there is function called modnorm used in (from help) M = 16; % Alphabet size % QAM Modulation hMod = comm.Rectang...
거의 11년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
답변답변 있음
ksdensity function for pdf estimation
please some one post an explanation i need it urgently
ksdensity function for pdf estimation
please some one post an explanation i need it urgently
거의 11년 전 | 0
ksdensity function for pdf estimation
i feed some data to ksdensity but i got a gaussian pdf with peak greater than 1 how is that
거의 11년 전 | 답변 수: 2 | 0
file i/o problem
i get this msg error Caught "std::exception" Exception message is: Message Catalog MATLAB:services was not loaded from the f...
거의 11년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
writing complex to a file
i need to write a complex vector to a file from matlab i tried clear; A=complex(randn(1,5)/sqrt(2),randn(1,5)/sq...
거의 11년 전 | 답변 수: 2 | 0
fft and random sequence
generating 2 random sequences with randn with same variance then applying fft to them would result in 2 sequences of non = varia...
거의 11년 전 | 답변 수: 3 | 0