CS Researcher
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how to use bin2dec for binary numbers called by elements
Do you mean something like this: bin2dec(num2str(A))
how to use bin2dec for binary numbers called by elements
Do you mean something like this: bin2dec(num2str(A))
거의 9년 전 | 0
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Show plot in figures window with GUI
You can have all the 'bad boys' in the GUI too. Open the GUI in GUIDE and go to Tools -> Toolbar Editor and add whichever tool y...
Show plot in figures window with GUI
You can have all the 'bad boys' in the GUI too. Open the GUI in GUIDE and go to Tools -> Toolbar Editor and add whichever tool y...
거의 9년 전 | 1
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how to make a row into a one element
Try this: N = size(a,2); powerVector = 10.^[N-1:-1:0]'; requiredVector = a*powerVector; Hope this helps!
how to make a row into a one element
Try this: N = size(a,2); powerVector = 10.^[N-1:-1:0]'; requiredVector = a*powerVector; Hope this helps!
거의 9년 전 | 1
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Open and process files in subfolders
Why not do the same as you did above. Inside the for loop do this: d=uigetdir('','Select Input-folder'); %select the input-...
Open and process files in subfolders
Why not do the same as you did above. Inside the for loop do this: d=uigetdir('','Select Input-folder'); %select the input-...
거의 9년 전 | 1
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Cascade of discrete filters in MATLAB
You would have to convert the filters to dfilt type. Try this: lp = fir1(100, 0.77, 'low', rectwin(101)); hp = fir1(100,...
Cascade of discrete filters in MATLAB
You would have to convert the filters to dfilt type. Try this: lp = fir1(100, 0.77, 'low', rectwin(101)); hp = fir1(100,...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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Help with Matrix plot
Assuming all the values for insurance risk are integers: A = [randi([0 1],3000,1), randi([21 85],3000,1), randi([1 10],3000...
Help with Matrix plot
Assuming all the values for insurance risk are integers: A = [randi([0 1],3000,1), randi([21 85],3000,1), randi([1 10],3000...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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How can I convert a lena.bmp image to lena.tif?
Read the image in I = imread(name.bmp); h = imshow(I); saveas(h,name,'tif'); In you case name is 'lena'. Hope this...
How can I convert a lena.bmp image to lena.tif?
Read the image in I = imread(name.bmp); h = imshow(I); saveas(h,name,'tif'); In you case name is 'lena'. Hope this...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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How to declare a variable that changes it's size after each loop iteration?
I am not completely sure I understand your question but you can do it two different ways: If the number of columns are fixed:...
How to declare a variable that changes it's size after each loop iteration?
I am not completely sure I understand your question but you can do it two different ways: If the number of columns are fixed:...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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how can I count the number of elements on a vector?
Try this: a = unique(T); b = arrayfun(@(x)(x-T),a,'UniformOutput',false); c = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)(numel(find(x==0))...
how can I count the number of elements on a vector?
Try this: a = unique(T); b = arrayfun(@(x)(x-T),a,'UniformOutput',false); c = cell2mat(cellfun(@(x)(numel(find(x==0))...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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Add panel in the GUI of Matlab
set(handles.button,'Parent',handles.panel) handles.button is the handle to the button and handles.panel is the handle to the...
Add panel in the GUI of Matlab
set(handles.button,'Parent',handles.panel) handles.button is the handle to the button and handles.panel is the handle to the...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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how to convert accelerometer sensor data into velocity
Share the readings and explain more. What is 'g'? Are these the acceleration values? If yes, you have acceleration and you have...
how to convert accelerometer sensor data into velocity
Share the readings and explain more. What is 'g'? Are these the acceleration values? If yes, you have acceleration and you have...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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How to add lines in my plot?
Assuming the line length is L. You can do this: line([0 0],[0 L]); hold on; line([0 L],[0 0]);
How to add lines in my plot?
Assuming the line length is L. You can do this: line([0 0],[0 L]); hold on; line([0 L],[0 0]);
거의 9년 전 | 0
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Inverse 3D plot
In 2-D you can visualize the transformation as a matrix multiplication. If I is your matrix (x,y), you apply the transformation ...
Inverse 3D plot
In 2-D you can visualize the transformation as a matrix multiplication. If I is your matrix (x,y), you apply the transformation ...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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how to convert back to wav file after edit the data in wav file?
Check out audiowrite: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/audiowrite.html
how to convert back to wav file after edit the data in wav file?
Check out audiowrite: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/audiowrite.html
거의 9년 전 | 0
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how to represent 30, 60, and 45 degree on matrix in Matlab?
You should always give out as much information related to your question as you can. Help us to help you. I did not completely un...
how to represent 30, 60, and 45 degree on matrix in Matlab?
You should always give out as much information related to your question as you can. Help us to help you. I did not completely un...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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How do I manipulate arrays more efficiently?
How about this: b = abs(a-t); [~,l] = sort(b,'descend'); c = a(l); Hope this helps!
How do I manipulate arrays more efficiently?
How about this: b = abs(a-t); [~,l] = sort(b,'descend'); c = a(l); Hope this helps!
거의 9년 전 | 1
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How to count repeated number pairs in matlab?
Lets assume the vector is a, i.e., a = [5,5,5,1,5,4,1,2,3,5,5,1,5]; Try this: numberOfPairs = sum(numel(find(diff(a...
How to count repeated number pairs in matlab?
Lets assume the vector is a, i.e., a = [5,5,5,1,5,4,1,2,3,5,5,1,5]; Try this: numberOfPairs = sum(numel(find(diff(a...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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what does this command means?
Assuming Training_String is of size M x N, the command runs a for loop where i goes from 1 to N. Basically a loop which runs N t...
what does this command means?
Assuming Training_String is of size M x N, the command runs a for loop where i goes from 1 to N. Basically a loop which runs N t...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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getting it in a matrix?
Let x be the column vector. Try this: modifiedX = reshape(x,numel(x)/20,20)';
getting it in a matrix?
Let x be the column vector. Try this: modifiedX = reshape(x,numel(x)/20,20)';
거의 9년 전 | 0
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How to save values calculated in each iteration of a loop into uitable to display on GUI?
You can do this: data = [x(:) y(:)]; set(handles.uitable,'Data',data); % Assuming handles.uitable is the handle to the u...
How to save values calculated in each iteration of a loop into uitable to display on GUI?
You can do this: data = [x(:) y(:)]; set(handles.uitable,'Data',data); % Assuming handles.uitable is the handle to the u...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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difference between load and xlsread
Short Answer: 'load' is to load a .mat file to the workspace whereas 'xlsread' is to read Excel Spreadsheets.
difference between load and xlsread
Short Answer: 'load' is to load a .mat file to the workspace whereas 'xlsread' is to read Excel Spreadsheets.
거의 9년 전 | 0
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How to draw a vertical line with a given height?
For a line from (x,y) to (x,y+height), Use this: line([x x], [y y+height]); From origin it could just be line([0 0]...
How to draw a vertical line with a given height?
For a line from (x,y) to (x,y+height), Use this: line([x x], [y y+height]); From origin it could just be line([0 0]...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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How do I create a new array that is a cropped version of another array?
Let us say the vector which contains all the values is t. You can do this: startLocation = find(t >= 4.7,1); endLocati...
How do I create a new array that is a cropped version of another array?
Let us say the vector which contains all the values is t. You can do this: startLocation = find(t >= 4.7,1); endLocati...
거의 9년 전 | 0
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How do i set a range for the number type in edit text box GUI?
Let us say the handle to the edit box is edit_box. In the callback function of the edit_box you can write this: value =...
How do i set a range for the number type in edit text box GUI?
Let us say the handle to the edit box is edit_box. In the callback function of the edit_box you can write this: value =...
거의 9년 전 | 1
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Binary matrix to array of poitns
Do the x and y arrays have to be in that order? If not, you can do this: [x,y] = find(A>0);
Binary matrix to array of poitns
Do the x and y arrays have to be in that order? If not, you can do this: [x,y] = find(A>0);
거의 9년 전 | 1
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Hi. Why i can`t get graphic? what is wrong?
Your C0 and C1 are scalars. To see the point you can do this: scatter(C0, C1) grid;
Hi. Why i can`t get graphic? what is wrong?
Your C0 and C1 are scalars. To see the point you can do this: scatter(C0, C1) grid;
거의 9년 전 | 0
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How can I automatically fill in the legend?
Let us assume there are N files. You can do this: legendTitle = cell(1,N); for i = 1:N %Your other operations ...
How can I automatically fill in the legend?
Let us assume there are N files. You can do this: legendTitle = cell(1,N); for i = 1:N %Your other operations ...
거의 9년 전 | 1
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Use equation in for loop
You can avoid the for loop by: data = rand(100,2); % just for an example N = size(data,1); total = sum((data(1:N-1,2)...
Use equation in for loop
You can avoid the for loop by: data = rand(100,2); % just for an example N = size(data,1); total = sum((data(1:N-1,2)...
거의 9년 전 | 1