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답변 있음
Simulink freezes when using 3D Animation
HI @Timon The error message you are seeing is a common error which occurs while doing a co-simulation of Simulink and Unreal Ed...

20일 전 | 0

답변 있음
Warning at Simulink starting
Hi @Jean Matthieu, The warning you are experiencing may be the result of corrupt preferences files. As a first step, try to d...

23일 전 | 0

답변 있음
hello, Error:Error in port widths or dimensions. 'Output Port 1' of 'nn/powergui/EquivalentModel1/Gates/From6' is a one dimensional vector with 3 elements.
Hi @RICHMOND From the error message, it seems the issue is due to a mismatch between the expected dimensions of inputs and outp...

24일 전 | 0

답변 있음
Optimization and heat transfer model parameter estimation (rho, K, and Cp)
Hello @Sanley Guerrier The choice of optimization tool depends on several factors including the nature of problem, the charact...

10개월 전 | 0

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답변 있음
How to do correction in this piece of code?
Hello @Sadiq Akbar As per my understanding, I see in the following lines of code for sourceNo=1:P for m=0:N-1 AF...

11개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Avoid Page Break in MATLAB Report Generator
Hi @Pablo Manrique Merchán There are two approaches you might be taking to generate a PDF report in MATLAB. Through Template- ...

11개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Where can I find the MATLAB 2019a MISRA 2012 rules for embedded coder
Hello @Paturi To access documentation for previous versions of MATLAB, you can visit the following link to archived MathWorks d...

11개월 전 | 0

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답변 있음
What caused this error message?
Hi @대선 In MATLAB, array indices start from 1, so attempting to access x(0) or y(0) would result in this error. y(n) = x(n) ...

11개월 전 | 2

답변 있음
Running Feather RP2040 with Simulink
Hi @Amer, I also noticed that RP2040 is not suppoorted as of MATLAB 2024a release. I hope it gets supported in their future rel...

11개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Multiple Simulations: How to see logged data in Data Inspector?
Hello @Mark, You can specify a limit for the number of runs to retain in the archive. The run limit applies only to runs in the...

11개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Error occurred while executing External Mode MEX-file 'ext_comm'
Hi @ben This problem occurs with certain Arduino board variants produced by third-party manufacturers that opt for a 'CH340' se...

11개월 전 | 1

답변 있음
error: Spatial Contact Force 'robotsim_1/Spatial Contact Force' is not connected through its B port to a valid geometry. Resolve this issue in order to simulate the model.
Hi @Mohinuddin Shaik I went through the simscape model and noticed that the port B of Spatial Contact Force block is not connec...

11개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
How can I request a Slave device to send me data, using Modbus communication blocks for Arduino in Simulink?
Hi @Christos Dimosthenous As per your query, I am able to understand that you want to communicate between an Arduino as Mast...

11개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to connect a BBC micro-bit to MatLab 2023b
Hello @Beibhinn I understand you are facing error while connecting BBC microbit to MATLAB. While connecting a serial device it ...

11개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Please tell me how to modify simscape multibody block parameter in workspace
Hi @정호 To modify a Simscape Multibody block parameter from the MATLAB workspace, especially for changing the actuation mode to ...

12개월 전 | 1

답변 있음
When using 'c2000 microblockset', the values ​​of the model are delayed in reception. How can this be resolved?
Hi @동빈 김 To ensure your Simulation starts from time 0 seconds instead of 4 seconds, you need to set the Simulaton start time ap...

12개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Ángulo entre dos sensores inerciales
Hola, @Josepa Rico Salvador Hola, Como el español no es mi lengua materna, responderé a esta pregunta en inglés. Gracias por ...

12개월 전 | 0

| 수락됨

답변 있음
I am trying to send information to a deployed model on the Arduino. The model sends the information (left) the other receives it (right, also the model deployed)
Hi @Romeo Marroquin Ajcac As per my understanding of your issue, since both the model are being connected to the same hardware,...

12개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Please Help With Sending and Receiving Data through HC-05 Bluetooth at 230400 Baud Rate
Hello @Elaine Wong The HC-05 bluetooth module support a range of baud rates starting from 9600 to 460800 bps depending upon the...

12개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to save a trained deep learning model in .mat format in Python and load it in MATLAB
Hi @ANUSAYA SWAIN As per my understanding, a better alternative to saving a deep learning model in .mat format in Python and lo...

12개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
How can I save data in Simscape Multibody Mechanics Explorer?
Hi @Zdzislaw Hryciow Using the MATLAB 'save' function, we can save variables from MATLAB's workspace to a .mat file. You can la...

12개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
MATLAB overwriting my Simulink simulation?
Hi @Jasim Alqam As per my understanding, you are facing issues with multiple simulation and data getting overwritten with every...

12개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Interfacing MPU6050 with Raspberry pi using Simulink
Hello @Farhan Ahamed For using MPU6050 with raspberry pi using Simulink, you need to first install Simulink Support Package for...

12개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
How can I sense the 6 DOF force and torque between A rigid and B rigid in simscape? (A rigid and B rigid are rigidly connected)
Hi @Chang ChiaCheng I understand you want to measure the action and reaction force between the payload and quadrotor. Below are...

12개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
"This model is structurally singular. Check the equations."
Hi @Neil Bernardino As per my understanding, a structural singularity points to equations that are not lineraly independent. ...

대략 1년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Different number of support vectors & decision values in R (using svm from "e1071") and matlab (fitcsvm) for one class classification
Hi @Nainsi Gupta As per my understanding, even though same algorithm is being implemented, in this case SVM, there can be diffe...

대략 1년 전 | 1

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답변 있음
Why am I unable to use port (like COM7) in the MATLAB when I connect the same port to tera term?
Hello @Jugal Vashi The most common reason for this error is that the port you're trying to connect to (in this case, COM7) is a...

대략 1년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Model 2 of Raspberry pi is being detected by MATLAB even though I am using the RASPBERRY PI 4 MODEL
Hello @Froian Acab I understand that you are facing issues with MATLAB not able to detect the correct model of Raspberry PI. I ...

대략 1년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Serial communication failed in host-target communication
Hi @Nanoeffekt I understand that the error prompts up when you load the model onto the target hardware and run the model. I...

대략 1년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Error in legend (line 263) when using genpath
Hi @Dominik Rohrbach When you use 'addpath(genpath('path_to_toolbox'))', MATLAB adds the toolbox and all its subfolders to the...

대략 1년 전 | 0

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