Abnormal outputs in Neural Networks Blind tests (new tests after the net is trained).
The data divisions in my ANN model is trn 60 - val 20 - tst 20 . All of my input and target values are in between 0 - 1 (numeric...
대략 11년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Problems with outputs in Neural Networks (in Matlab NN toolbox)
Hi, I trained my ANN (in Matlab) with 652500 data points, and in another blind test (652100 data points -for completely new inpu...
대략 11년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
How to add figure title and axes labels for multiple plots?
I have plotted multiple plots in a single figure in matlab. Now i want to add figure title and axes (X, Y) labels. How can i do ...
거의 12년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
How to insert strings and numeric values together in the same matrix in Matlab?
I want to insert string characters(first column of my excel file) and numeric values(2nd to 11th column) in the same matrix in m...
거의 12년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Which algorithm performs random shuffling of data in Matlab (randperm function)?
I would like to know Which algorithm performs random shuffling of data in Matlab (randperm function) . Is it Knuth shuffling alg...
거의 12년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
How to do Box plot for multiple variables? Codes please.
Hello, I want to summarize my simulation data by visualizing them in box plot where there are 25 different simulations. These ar...
대략 12년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
How to read mix characters in a cell, and write to another cell?
In Matlab, I want to read specific characters from a cell which contains a mixture of numbers and texts and write them in a diff...
12년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Solving "Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch" error message.
Dear all, In NN toolbox matlab, I want to use Input data which is a 165238 × 9 matrix, means 9 columns and 165238 rows of dat...
12년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
How to solve out of memory errors in Matlab Neural Networks toolbox for large datasets?
Hi all, I have huge input datasets to use in NN Toolbox, but i can't use more than 20 hidden neurons because toolbox shows ou...
12년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Out of Memory errors in MATLAB NN Toolbox and data division problems in training datasets.
Hello: I am facing problem in running huge data set in matlab NN Toolbox- the problem is-> when i use *trainlm* algorithm, NN...
거의 13년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Merging multiple files into one single file by MATLAB
Here i am sharing one of my data which are in .dat file. I have 16162 different files. I merged all into one file and want to re...
거의 13년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Reading text and numeric data from .dat file in matlab
Hello Here i am sharing one of my data which are in *.dat* file. I have 16162 different files. I merged all into one file and...
거의 13년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Simulation in Matlab NN toolbox_detailed codes
In matlab NN toolbox one simple code A = sim(net, newinputs); [% A = desired output from new input data]can perform the simulat...
거의 13년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
xls file read and write (By using loops command)
I have a large file (i merged many files into it) which is a 100906 * 9 matrix. Data are occupying 100906 rows and 9 columns. In...
대략 13년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Saving Matlab resutls and output
In the matlab workspace the output/results can be easily saved. But when we train the network with some data to see the performa...
대략 13년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0