Amal Raj - MATLAB Central

Amal Raj

Last seen: 5개월 전 2024년부터 활동

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MATLAB AnswersFrom 02/24 to 03/25Use left and right arrows to move selectionFrom 02/24Use left and right arrows to move left selectionTo 03/25Use left and right arrows to move right selectionUse TAB to select grip buttons or left and right arrows to change selection100%
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답변 있음
I cannot flip manual switch while in monitor and tune
Hi Malek, I think you are faced with a bug in 2024b. The workaround would be to update Default Parameter Behavior parameter dro...

5개월 전 | 0

| 수락됨

답변 있음
currently i am getting error when connecting matlab GUI to raspberry pi 4 B matlab version is r2021b rasbian os version is buster 32bit
Hi Duyen, You might want to check for missing libraries. The error message indicates that the linker cannot find -lasound and -...

5개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
3d segmenter or any other possibility to only show parts of a 3d volume
Hi CB, imcrop3 is also something you can explore. If you prefer interactive selection and visualization, imcrop3 offers a conve...

9개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
How can I increase the SampleRate of an ADXL345 accelerometer beyond 200 Hz?
Hi Earmello. Unfortunately, directly increasing the SampleRate property of the adxl345 object in MATLAB won't work for the ADXL3...

9개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
App Designer UIAxes Interactions not working when UIFigure WindowButtonMotion callback set
Hi Arturo, Conditional Callback Execution: Modify your WindowButtonMotion callback code to check if the mouse cursor is hoveri...

10개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
How to use the same arduino connection in two different apps?
Hi Sean, Unfortunately, directly sharing a serial port connection between multiple MATLAB apps running simultaneously isn't rec...

10개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Is it possible to use of Matlab functions that do not support code generation in matlab.System objects?
Hi Rajmohan. No, you cannot directly use functions like metaclass inside methods of a matlab.System object because they are not...

10개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Simulink data inspector corrupting signal display depending on the zoom.
Hi Dean, While the Simulink Data Inspector is fully zoomed out, it displays values that are rounded.  This might be the reason...

10개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
2D NS LCT function
Hi Aswathi, There might not be a widely available built-in function for the 2D Non-Separable Linear Canonical Transform (2D NS ...

10개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
optimization of nested loop with two variables
Hi Nilton, To obtain the vectors n_h and m_hi for your optimization problem, you can modify your code as follows: % Define the ...

10개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
why my a mlapp file can't run and save? run button's color is gray, I'm anxious.thanks.
Hi, When you encounter an issue where the Run button is grayed out and you are unable to save a `.mlapp` file in MATLAB, it ty...

11개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
3D parametric schematic import and edit
Hi, While MATLAB offers limited direct capabilities for editing 3D parametric schematics, its power can be leveraged to calcul...

11개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Is there a possible method to reduce time latency in DAQ data acquisition in GUIDE app designer?
Hi, Reducing latency in MATLAB DAQ loops involves optimizing both software and hardware configurations. Key strategies include ...

11개월 전 | 0

답변 있음
Incorrect results from hypergeom function in MATLAB R2018a.
The difference is likely due to improvements or changes in MATLAB's numerical algorithms between versions R2016b and R2018b. Whi...

11개월 전 | 0

| 수락됨

답변 있음
Error while creating custom critic function
Hey Harsh. The error message suggests that the number of input layers in your custom critic network does not match the number ...

대략 1년 전 | 0

답변 있음
dsolve using a string
When using str2sym to convert a string to a symbolic expression, it treats the variables as independent symbols and does not ass...

대략 1년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Compiled application does not run because of startup plugin mwJavaClasspathCache.dll
Hey. Try copying the executable to <mcr>\bin\win64 and launching from there. If it works, there is a conflict between some share...

대략 1년 전 | 1

답변 있음
Why aren't these two polyshape objects equal?
Hey. The reason why the two polyshape objects pi and p are not considered equal when using the isequal function is because the i...

대략 1년 전 | 0

| 수락됨

답변 있음
Is the entire Simulink model compiled into the _top_vm.bc and _top_vm.ll files when using JIT acceleration ?
Hey Andrew. The `_top_vm.bc` and `_top_vm.ll` files generated during JIT acceleration in Simulink contain the compiled intermedi...

대략 1년 전 | 0

답변 있음
Running Redhat 9, how do I get the real-time target support package software to work for all users in relation to the speedgoat IO blockset 9.5.0
Hey, To install the real-time target support package and Speedgoat IO Blockset 9.5.0 for all users on a Red Hat 9 system, perfor...

대략 1년 전 | 0

답변 있음
My code is getting slower and after profiling it MUPADMEX is observed to take most of the time
Hey, If MUPADMEX is slowing down your MATLAB code, it's likely due to intensive symbolic computations. To optimize, consider sim...

대략 1년 전 | 0