답변 있음
Write a function max_sum that takes v a row vector of numbers & n,a positive integer as inputs.The function needs to find n consecutive elements of v whose sum is largest possible.It returns summa & index of first element of n consecutive integers.
function [a,b]=max_sum(A,B) n=1; C=0; for ii = 1:(size(A,2)-B+1) C(n)=sum(A(n:(B+n-1))); n=n+1; end if B>size(A,2...
Write a function max_sum that takes v a row vector of numbers & n,a positive integer as inputs.The function needs to find n consecutive elements of v whose sum is largest possible.It returns summa & index of first element of n consecutive integers.
function [a,b]=max_sum(A,B) n=1; C=0; for ii = 1:(size(A,2)-B+1) C(n)=sum(A(n:(B+n-1))); n=n+1; end if B>size(A,2...
거의 4년 전 | 0
답변 있음
Write a function called valid_date that takes three positive integer scalar inputs year, month, day. If these three represent a valid date, return a logical true, otherwise false. The name of the output argument is valid. If any of the inputs is not
Why would this code not pass the scalar test? %Return false if the input is not scalar
Write a function called valid_date that takes three positive integer scalar inputs year, month, day. If these three represent a valid date, return a logical true, otherwise false. The name of the output argument is valid. If any of the inputs is not
Why would this code not pass the scalar test? %Return false if the input is not scalar
거의 4년 전 | 0