A Akhilesh
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Finding intersection of curve and line.
i am working on a matlab code for krylovs method for calculating statical stability of ship hence as in the method i am trying ...
3년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
how to solve singular matrix problem?
i am trying to write a code for krlov method for statical stabiltiy of ship, i am using interpolation for finding ordinates of s...
3년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Krylov's method for KN cross curves of Stability of SHIP
I have been trying to write code for Krylov's method for calculation of rigting levers for ship stability, as a part of my ship ...
3년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Find intersection of curve and line.
i have two equations yw and y1 i need to find intersection of both line and curve and then find the distance of the point from o...
3년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Intersection point of line whose equation is known and curve defined by data points.
i have a line of which i know the equation of and i know a curve which passes thorugh the given points, how will i find the inte...
3년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0