Chit La Pyae Myo Hein
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MATLAB : Aligning RGB Channels
%Read the image img = imread('course1image.jpg'); [r,c] = size(img); B = img(1:r/3,:); G = img((r/3)+1:(2*r/3),:); R = im...
MATLAB : Aligning RGB Channels
%Read the image img = imread('course1image.jpg'); [r,c] = size(img); B = img(1:r/3,:); G = img((r/3)+1:(2*r/3),:); R = im...
4년 초과 전 | 1
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Color Imaging - RGB Channels
See: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/558349-color-imaging-rgb-channe#answer_460078
Color Imaging - RGB Channels
See: https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/558349-color-imaging-rgb-channe#answer_460078
4년 초과 전 | 0
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MATLAB: Image Gradient Magnitude : Compute: Sobel Image Gradients (Gx and Gy) Gradient magnitude (Gmag) and Gradient direction(Gdir)
img=imread('cameraman.tif'); [Gx,Gy]=imgradientxy(img,'sobel'); %Uncomment the code below to visualize Gx and Gy figure i...
MATLAB: Image Gradient Magnitude : Compute: Sobel Image Gradients (Gx and Gy) Gradient magnitude (Gmag) and Gradient direction(Gdir)
img=imread('cameraman.tif'); [Gx,Gy]=imgradientxy(img,'sobel'); %Uncomment the code below to visualize Gx and Gy figure i...
4년 초과 전 | 0