
Pratik Patil


Last seen: 3년 초과 전 2020년부터 활동

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I am Software Engineer in Test at the Mathworks. My responsibilities include testing Simulink Test toolbox.

My area of interests are Simulink, Real Time, Stateflow, Matlab, Signal Processing, Image Processing and CodeGen.


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답변 있음
Change SimulationMode programmatically for one test run in TestSuite/TestRunner
Hello Alexander, I assume you are trying to modify the simulation mode of the testcase in Simulink test file. You can achieve ...

거의 4년 전 | 0

답변 있음
What is required format of excel and mat files to import multiple sets of parameter overrides into test manager?
Not sure if parameters can be loaded using .mat or excel file. But you can add parameter programmatically using API

4년 초과 전 | 0