John Fuller
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I'm an aerospace systems engineer in the Washington, D.C. region. I have a B.S. and an M.S. in Aerospace Engineering from NCSU, and I've been using Matlab in both work and school since 2004. I'm almost considering using it to do my taxes. Professional Interests: Aerospace, GN&C, trajectory analysis, orbit dynamics
Function to Convert between DCM, Euler angles, Quaternions, and Euler vectors
Function to convert rotation data between 4 types: DCM, Euler Angles, Quaternions, and Euler Param.
11년 초과 전 | 다운로드 수: 13 |
Euler angle, DCM, Quaternion, and Euler Vector Conversion/Teaching GUI
A GUI that helps users learn how Euler angles and other rotational data relate to one another.
거의 12년 전 | 다운로드 수: 7 |