Finding a pattern in a table and the coordinates of the "first hit"
I have a table like this: 'NaN' NaN NaN 'NaN' NaN NaN 'NaN' NaN NaN '07:02:58.830' 1 NaN '07:02:58.830' 1 831 '07:02:58.83...
4개월 전 | 답변 수: 2 | 0
Most complete modeling of secondary survelliance radar in Simulink
Example Radar System Modeling shows how to set up a radar system simulation consisting of a transmitter, a channel with a target...
4개월 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
How to remove all weird column names from a table and replace them (with numbers or alphabet letters)?
I have a file in the .csv format. When I transfer it to Matlab, the column names turn into some kind of gibberish. In fact, I...
5개월 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Reaction wheel in SimMechanics
How to create a reaction relationship between two bodies in SimMechanics? Task: transferring torque from a reaction wheel to th...
8개월 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Modeling the effect of the reaction wheel moment on the satellite body using SolidWorks and then SimMechanics.
I am modeling the impact of the moment of a reaction wheel mounted on the z-axis on the body of a satellite in Solidworks, and t...
8개월 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
How does the Spacecraft Dynamics block work?
In Simulink (Aerospace Blockset) there is a Spacecraft Dynamics block. How does he work? I can’t look inside it (Look Under Mask...
8개월 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Discrete integrator again fails to convert to Verilog due to delay balancing failure
I'm trying to convert a discrete integrator block to Verilog and I'm getting the following error. I’m new to FPGA and don’t yet ...
9개월 전 | 답변 수: 2 | 0
Delay balancing unsuccessful. Cause: Non-discrete rates cannot be handled by delay balancing. Offending block: sqrt_to_hdl
Hello, I am getting this error when generating Verilog at the HDL Coder: Error: For the block 'sqrt_to_hdl_coder/Sqrt' Delay...
9개월 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Examples of Simulink models of spacecraft subsystems controlled by FPGA algorithms
According to the documentation, Matlab/Simulink provides a number of tools for developing spacecraft systems. Among them, keywor...
10개월 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Training in programming FPGAs in Matlab/Simulink using examples: from simple to complex
Hi! I'm a beginner and want to learn FPGA programming. I was very attracted by the possibility of interconnected work of Matlab...
11개월 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Spherical Joint Stabilization in SimMechanics
I imported a cube from SolidWorks. Its coordinate system is aligned with the center of the common coordinate system. The cube ca...
대략 2년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Modeling Long-Time Dynamics in Simulink
Modeling long-time dynamics can provide insight into important issues that may be difficult to observe in field experiments. How...
대략 2년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Remove lines of specified length from triangulation
The following code generates square: [X,Y]=meshgrid(0:0.5:1); points=[X(:),Y(:)]; figure('Name','Point set','NumberTitle','of...
대략 2년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Find the minimum and maximum value of internal intervals in an array
There is the following array: It has several subintervals: I'm trying to write code that extracts these sub-interval...
대략 2년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Neat enclosed area for a group of points on a plane
Hello! I will be happy and grateful for help. I need to find the entire enclosed area in a dataset. For example, as you see in ...
대략 2년 전 | 답변 수: 2 | 0
Construction of various plots according to data with the NDGrid structure
https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1892575-slices-through-3-d-volumes-formed-by-1d-arrays?s_tid=srchtitle This que...
대략 2년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Slices through 3-D Volumes, formed by 1D-arrays
f= I have a set of 1D - arrays and values of the inequality . I need to build a series of slices for any of the planes of thi...
대략 2년 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Methods for smoothing contour lines
I have a database P with columns X, Y and Z (file above): N = 150; % Number Of Points Desired xv = linspace(min(P(:,1)), max...
2년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 1 | 0
Optimization of the weighted average sum of matrix norms in the workspace using the Optimization Tool
There are workspace from three 3x3 matrices with random elements: A=rand(3,3); B=rand(3,3); C=rand(3,3); There are 9 vectors...
2년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Matlab r2019a won't start. Gray window and nothing else
This morning, Matlab stopped working for me. Worked yesterday before going to bed and this morning a bit. Then, when I took ...
거의 3년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
Formulas of Rise time, settling time, and other step-response characteristics for arbitrary-order transfer function
How the parameters of transients are estimated (as in the picture) from an arbitrary linear transfer function (formula is given)...
3년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 2 | 0
Grouping vectors into groups of 3 by attribute
Three groups are given, each with eight -vectors: V1= -0.0953681318008175 0.858850259468781 0.465327737835860 -0.7433672489...
3년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
How to change the font of a block in a simulink?
I need to change the font of the model blocks in the simlink for presentation. Using "Diagram -> Format -> Font style for select...
대략 5년 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
답변답변 있음
Reverse sequence for switched reluctance motor
Goodday, Oskar! Have you solved your problem?
Reverse sequence for switched reluctance motor
Goodday, Oskar! Have you solved your problem?
5년 초과 전 | 0
Value of data out of range after conversion into older version
After converting a model with a large number of MATLAB Funcion block into an older version, an error appeared. "The data Upr w...
5년 초과 전 | 답변 수: 0 | 0
답변답변 있음
Using the Recursive Polynomial Model Estimator for online estimation
Do I understand correctly that by using the A, B, C, D state space matrix using this scheme, I can try, using the same state spa...
Using the Recursive Polynomial Model Estimator for online estimation
Do I understand correctly that by using the A, B, C, D state space matrix using this scheme, I can try, using the same state spa...
거의 6년 전 | 0
답변 있음
ERROR : "Expected a value representable in the C type 'int'. Found 108301 instead."
You may try use block "Data Type Conversion", and convert input signal for MATLAB Fcn Block to uint8.
ERROR : "Expected a value representable in the C type 'int'. Found 108301 instead."
You may try use block "Data Type Conversion", and convert input signal for MATLAB Fcn Block to uint8.
거의 6년 전 | 0
답변 있음
Are there matlab codes to compute cycle spaces of graphs?
Christina, I want to build a multigraph with parallel branches, as shown in the figure: https://la.mathworks.com/help/examples/...
Are there matlab codes to compute cycle spaces of graphs?
Christina, I want to build a multigraph with parallel branches, as shown in the figure: https://la.mathworks.com/help/examples/...
거의 6년 전 | 0
답변 있음
Are there matlab codes to compute cycle spaces of graphs?
Trying to figure it out. Kristina, tell me how to build a spanning tree for a directed graph in MATLAB?
Are there matlab codes to compute cycle spaces of graphs?
Trying to figure it out. Kristina, tell me how to build a spanning tree for a directed graph in MATLAB?
거의 6년 전 | 0
답변 있음
Are there matlab codes to compute cycle spaces of graphs?
Christina, i have a graph: https://ibb.co/Qvp2XBr https://ibb.co/LSZg9nK For this graph i must get cycles (loops/contours):...
Are there matlab codes to compute cycle spaces of graphs?
Christina, i have a graph: https://ibb.co/Qvp2XBr https://ibb.co/LSZg9nK For this graph i must get cycles (loops/contours):...
거의 6년 전 | 0