Computer Graphics Years
I loved the question that Steve recently asked on his blog about what your earliest computer experiences were. It brought...
대략 7년 전
The Five Tetrahedra
The dodecahedron is a particularly interesting polyhedron. It's full of interesting five-fold symmetries. Let's take a look...
거의 9년 전
FPLOT and Friends
Another new feature that I really like in R2016a is the upgraded fplot function and all of the new members of the fplot...
거의 9년 전
One of the features I love in R2016a is the new yyaxis function. This is a new way to create plots which have two...
거의 9년 전
As the Wind Blows
As the Wind BlowsNOAA maintains a number of buoys that collect weather data, and they publish the data from them on their...
거의 9년 전
Signed Distance Fields
Recently I heard from a MATLAB user who was trying to draw tubes along a curve using this blog post I wrote a while back....
거의 9년 전
On the Grid
One type of question that I'm often asked is about how to use various visualization techniques with what is sometimes called...
거의 9년 전
Into the Mucube
Last time, when I was talking about permutohedra, we saw how truncated octahedra fill 3D space with no gaps. There are a...
대략 9년 전
Tiling Hexagons and Other Permutohedra
In earlier posts we've looked at tiling quadrilaterals and pentagons. So what about hexagons? I'm sure you've seen tilings...
대략 9년 전
Polygon Interpolation
I recently answered a question on MATLAB Answers about how patch interpolates color data. This is a question I get a lot...
대략 9년 전
Interactive Graph Layout
I really like the new graph visualization functions that were introduced in R2015b. I particularly like the various options...
대략 9년 전
Contour and Infinities
In a recent post, I talked about an interesting edge case in the contour function. Today I'd like to talk about another one....
대략 9년 전
Memory Consumption
Today we're going to look at how MATLAB Graphics uses memory. First we need a way to tell how much memory MATLAB is...
9년 초과 전
On The Edge
In an earlier post, we discussed how the contour functions interpolate between values. Another important issue is how the...
9년 초과 전
Fill Between
Fill BetweenOne question I'm often asked is how to fill the area between two plotted curves. It is possible to do this, but...
9년 초과 전
Homogeneous Coordinates
Homogeneous CoordinatesIn my recent posts about tiling polygons (link1, link2), you might have noticed that I used a...
9년 초과 전
What is a Contour?
What is a Contour?Last year we explored how surfaces perform interpolation. Today we're going to take a look at some closely...
9년 초과 전
Tiling Quadrilaterals
Tiling QuadrilateralsLast time I was talking about the new pentagon tiling which was recently discovered. There are lots of...
9년 초과 전
Type 15 Convex Pentagon
Like most computer graphics programmers, I've always been fascinated by the different types of regular tilings of the plane....
9년 초과 전
Transparency in 3D
Transparency in 3DTransparency is a very useful feature when creating pictures in 3D. But there are a suprising number of...
9년 초과 전
Implicit Surface Intersections
Implicit Surface IntersectionsWe talked about implicit surfaces here back in March. Recently, there was an interesting...
9년 초과 전
GraphicsSmoothing and AlignVertexCenters
GraphicsSmoothing and AlignVertexCentersIn R2014b we introduced a new property on the figure named GraphicsSmoothing. When...
9년 초과 전
Stacked Bar3
Stacked Bar3MATLAB's bar3 command is kind of cool, but what if we have a 3D matrix like this?rng(0) array = randi(10,[4 5...
9년 초과 전
Object Creation Performance
Object Creation PerformanceBack in January, we looked at the performance of creating a graphics object with a lot of data....
9년 초과 전
Patch Work
Patch WorkBack before the internet, programmers collected xeroxed copies of old notes and papers. We traded these with our...
거의 10년 전
State Taxes
If you live in the US, you probably filed your taxes sometime in the last couple of months. If you're like me, that got you...
거의 10년 전
How the Tiger got its Stripes
But I think that my favorite Turing paper is one he wrote after the war called The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis. It...
거의 10년 전
Implicit Curves & Surfaces
Implicit Curves and SurfacesIn some earlier posts ( part1, part2) we explored how to draw parametric curves using MATLAB...
거의 10년 전
Area Scaling
Last time we looked at how the performance of MATLAB's graphics system scales with the number of data points. Another...
대략 10년 전