Social Distancing Monitoring System

버전 1.2.0 (3.92 MB) 작성자: Wanbin Song
AI-enabled social distancing detection tool that can detect if people are keeping a safe distance from each other
다운로드 수: 448
업데이트 날짜: 2020/8/24

In the fight against the coronavirus, social distancing has proven to be a very effective measure to slow down the spread of the disease.
Some of the workers in the manufacturing industries are still having to go to work every day to make sure our basic needs are met. So we've developed an AI-enabled social distancing detection system that can detect if people are keeping a safe distance from each other by analyzing real-time video streams from the camera.

Idea Credit : Landing AI (

인용 양식

Wanbin Song (2024). Social Distancing Monitoring System (, GitHub. 검색됨 .

MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
개발 환경: R2020a
R2020a 이상 릴리스와 호환
플랫폼 호환성
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