crameri perceptually uniform scientific colormaps

버전 1.09 (1.72 MB) 작성자: Chad Greene
Perceptually uniform scientific colormaps from Fabio Crameri.
다운로드 수: 4.3K
업데이트 날짜: 2022/11/12

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A simple Matlab function for Fabio Crameri's perceptually uniform scientific colormaps.


crameri without any inputs displays the options for colormaps.

crameri ColormapName sets the colormap of the current axes.

cmap = crameri('ColormapName') returns a 256x3 colormap. For a visual depiction of valid colormap names, type crameri.

cmap = crameri('-ColormapName') a minus sign preceeding any ColormapName flips the order of the colormap.

cmap = crameri(...,NLevels) specifies a number of levels in the colormap. Default value is 256.

cmap = crameri(...,'pivot',PivotValue) centers a diverging colormap such that white corresponds to a given value and maximum extents are set using current caxis limits. If no PivotValue is set, 0 is assumed.


Crameri, Fabio. (2021). Scientific colour maps (7.0.1). Zenodo.

인용 양식

Crameri, Fabio. Scientific Colour Maps. Zenodo, 2019, doi:10.5281/ZENODO.1243862.

양식 더 보기

Crameri, Fabio. “Geodynamic Diagnostics, Scientific Visualisation and StagLab 3.0.” Geoscientific Model Development, vol. 11, no. 6, Copernicus GmbH, June 2018, pp. 2541–62, doi:10.5194/gmd-11-2541-2018.

양식 더 보기
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Update to version 7.0 colormaps.


Fixed a bug wherein any colormap with a capital letter in it (e.g., grayC) was inaccessible. Thanks Tim.


Updated from Crameri's version 4.0 to version 6.0.


Previously forgot to include turku. All of them should be in there now.


Added oslo colormap (previously forgot to include it in the .mat file).


Changed screenshot.


Updated screenshot and edited input checking (regexp replaced with strncmp, as suggested by Stephen Cobeldick).


Published as a .zip because the .mltbx upload failed.


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