cmocean perceptually-uniform colormaps

버전 2.02 (896 KB) 작성자: Chad Greene
Perceptually-uniform colormaps inspired by oceanography
다운로드 수: 12.5K
업데이트 날짜: 2021/9/7

These colormaps were developed by Kristen Thyng using viscm. They are perceptually uniform, as color should be when it serves as a numeric axis.

If these colormaps are useful for you, please consider citing our paper:

Thyng, K.M., C.A. Greene, R.D. Hetland, H.M. Zimmerle, and S.F. DiMarco. 2016. True colors of oceanography: Guidelines for effective and accurate colormap selection. Oceanography 29(3):9–13.

인용 양식

Thyng, Kristen, et al. “True Colors of Oceanography: Guidelines for Effective and Accurate Colormap Selection.” Oceanography, vol. 29, no. 3, The Oceanography Society, Sept. 2016, pp. 9–13, doi:10.5670/oceanog.2016.66.

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Updated the image.


Added new rain, topo, diff, and tarn colormaps.


Modified input parser, following a suggestion by Phelype Oleinik. Also, now, if no outputs are specified it sets the colormap of the current axes via colormap(gca,cmap) whereas previously it was simply colormap(cmap).

Documentation fix.
Added a new "negative" option for divergent colormaps.

The 'zero' option for diverging colormaps has been extended to a 'pivot' syntax, which allows setting a pivot point to any value, zero or otherwise.

Added a link to our Oceanography paper. Also added the feature to simply type "cmocean" to bring up a window showing colormap options.

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