HCPARULA: High Contrast Parula-like Colormap Generator

버전 (78.9 KB) 작성자: Yong Hoon Lee
A Monotonic and Linear Grayscale Intensity Colormap with an Increased Contrast
다운로드 수: 150
업데이트 날짜: 2017/2/26

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High Contrast Parula-like Colormap Generator
Author: Yong Hoon Lee (http://yonghoonlee.com, ylee196@illinois.edu)
This is a monotonic and linear grayscale intensity colormap with an increased contrast for grayscale printout readability. The colormap looks similar to Parula, but this code does not contain any formula, code, colormap scheme, or specific knowledge that MathWorks, Inc. generated or developed. Note that the original Parula colormap was created by MathWorks, Inc. and a default colormap in MATLAB.
RGB = MODIFIED_PARULA() generates a N=64 level colormap in RGB format.
RGB = MODIFIED_PARULA(N) generates a given N-level colormap in RGB format.
See also colormap, colorbar, rgbplot

인용 양식

Yong Hoon Lee (2024). HCPARULA: High Contrast Parula-like Colormap Generator (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/61768-hcparula-high-contrast-parula-like-colormap-generator), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Added an image describing the colormap