xunits, yunits and zunits.m (Jul 2014)
When you require to write the units of your x-axis values, you use the XLABEL function.
Now you can use XUNITS to add them right with the labels. And, if you like it, it could use International System Units prefixes instead of the scientific notation.
Besides, you get the same format for all the numbers (check the Screenshot).
It works for log scale as well as the linear one, and includes YUNITS and ZUNITS functions.
Finally, it works after zooming or panning.
Enjoy it!
인용 양식
Carlos Adrian Vargas Aguilera (2024). xunits, yunits and zunits.m (Jul 2014) (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/47154-xunits-yunits-and-zunits-m-jul-2014), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .
MATLAB 릴리스 호환 정보
플랫폼 호환성
Windows macOS Linux카테고리
도움 받은 파일: plots.m, plotses.m, tlabel.m v2.6.1 (Sep 2009), COLORMAP and COLORBAR utilities (Jul 2014), addaxes.m v1.1 (Sep 2009)
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