GINPUT on GUI (Keeping toolbar features on) & Use of custom pointers

버전 (26.2 KB) 작성자: Divakar Roy
GUI Framework to use GINPUT (keeping all toolbar features on) + Custom pointers for plots and more.
다운로드 수: 1.9K
업데이트 날짜: 2012/11/12

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This is basically a GUI framework, inviting users to tweak it to their needs. It comes with the following salient features:

1. Shows different Pointers when mouse is hovered over one or more than one plots. The number of plots used in this framework is two, but it can be easily extended to more numbers if needed.

2. Point clicking on the plots can be associated to custom functions and thus they can be used to act as region selection, image data finding, image coordinate finding, etc. In one of my previous projects I extended this GUI framework to make it able to display multiple rectangular boxes on a single plot, change the Pointer whenever mouse was hovered over one of these boxes, click one of these and display the data from the selected rectangular box onto another plot. So, that’s possible too, if anyone is interested.

3. X and Y coordinates of the points clicked are obtainable as GUI output. Thus, it can also be used to act as GINPUT, while keeping the commonly used figure toolbar features on and letting user activate any GUI component. When GINPUT is called, user needs to complete the point selection before proceeding with any other instruction. During the point selection with GINPUT, the GUI toolbar features like Zoom-in, Zoom-out, Pan and few others get disabled. This limitation doesn’t exist in this code, as inherently it simulates GINPUT for point selection only, but lets user proceed with the next instruction or other functions. This GINPUT-style point selection is also continuous, meaning user won’t need to activate it with any GUI component, but of course its start and stop is controllable. The figure toolbar features that are available with this GUI are - New Figure, Open File, Print Figure, Zoom In, Zoom Out, Pan, Rotate 3D, Data Cursor, Insert Colorbar & Insert Legend.

4.With minor tweaking, it’s possible to modify this framework to make it act as IMPIXEL, but use commonly used figure toolbar features as well, unlike in IMPIXEL. This can be found on MATLAB Central too.

Feedback / Bugs / How-this-helped / How-this-sucked / How-this-could_be_improved / Anything about it are MOST welcome. For contacting me, please click on my name above that will direct you to my homepage and on it, click on "Contact Author" link.

인용 양식

Divakar Roy (2024). GINPUT on GUI (Keeping toolbar features on) & Use of custom pointers (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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Minor revision in the documentation.