버전 (3.8 KB) 작성자: Francesco di Pierro
SIGNFILE helps you maintain up-to-date info related to your files or toolboxes.
다운로드 수: 1.9K
업데이트 날짜: 2003/6/20

라이선스 보기

SIGNFILE will help you maintain up-to-date information related to your files or toolboxes. If you have a particular message, or simply the author's info, that you want to appear right at the end of the help section of your mfile(s), use SIGNFILE. It will use special characters to wrap your info so that the next time you will call SIGNFILE it will overwrite the old info.

SIGNFILE is particularly useful to update author's info of a collection of files. To run SIGNFILE on multiple files you can use FUF, which you can freely download from the MATLAB Central File Exchange.

SIGNFILE adds a blank line after the help section, followed by the signature (message); any previous signature stamped by SIGNIFILE would get replaced by the new one. If the file has no help section, SIGNFILE will place the signature
(message) after the function declaration.

SIGNFILE will also work with functions that have the help section before the function declaration.

SIGNFILE encloses the signature (message) between '-$-$-$-' so as to recognize previous automatic signatures, which will be overridden.

- SIGNFILE runs under MATLAB 6.5 (it uses short circuit operators)
- SIGNFILE signs only .m file functions ; it does not process m scripts. A warning message is prompetd for each file that can't be executed and the stream flow continues
- SIGNFILE does not overwrite the original files, but marks them as .old;
- SIGNFILE requires SMARTINDENT, which can be downloaded from MATLAB Central;
- SIGNFILE can process read only file by changing the attributes during the computation. Eigther the two new files created, .m and .old, will keep the original attributes.

SIGNFILE requires SMARTINDENT, which can also be downloaded from the MATLAB Central File Exchange.

인용 양식

Francesco di Pierro (2024). SIGNFILE (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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