버전 (3.49 KB) 작성자: Francesco di Pierro
SMARTINDENT customizes the indentation of m files.
다운로드 수: 2K
업데이트 날짜: 2002/7/24

라이선스 보기

SMARTINDENT is a tool to customize the indentation of your m files without going manually through the whole process.

SMARTINDENT fully mimics the behaviour of the MATLAB editor's smartindent command:

- it allows you to choose the number of spaces/tabs used for the indentation;

- it can handle nested and partially nested flow control commands.

SMARTINDENT does overwrite the files you want it
to process, therefore:

- when invoked from the command line, SMARTINDENT warn the users to back up first their files;

- when invoked from within another function or script, no warnings are issued, thus allowing for off-line multiple calls.

To process all files under a given folder(s), call SMARTINDENT with FUF,
e.g., to process all m files under folders ...\Documents and ...\MyFcns, type


You can download FUF from the Matlab File Exchange under the category DEVELOPMENT ENVIRONMENT: the submission name is "Files Under Folders".

인용 양식

Francesco di Pierro (2024). SMARTINDENT (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색됨 .

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받음: Files Under Folders (fuf)


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