버전 (177 KB) 작성자: Joren Heit
This is a digitalized version of the famous RISK board game.
다운로드 수: 2.9K
업데이트 날짜: 2012/1/4

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>> playrisk

This version of RISK incorporates (for as far as I am aware) all rules of the original boardgame. The (standard) map consists of 42 different territories which can be conquered or lost by throwing the dice. A total of 6 players can play the game, each having their own secret mission.

A short guide:

Each turn follows these steps:

- Reinforce your armies with extra troops, earned by either turning in a set of cards, or by having captured an entire continent.

- Attack OR Reinforce. Again, you may send additional troops into battle, but this will terminate your turn. If you choose to attack, you may capture new territories and add new cards to your inventory (accessed by right-clicking your scoreboard).

- Fortify your positions. When you have finished attacking or reinforcing, you may fortify your positions by moving troops from one territory to another. However, they can only travel across friendly terrain.

The game is over when one of the players completes his/her mission. This mission is revealed to each player at the start of the game and may be recalled by left-clicking the scoreboard.

To design this game, I first had to write a couple of simpler programs that allowed me to design the map. These are called designboard(), connect() and lines(). If you wish to design your own board (either more detailed or completely different), these functions may be used to help you.

Most of the M-files broken down into cells having titles to clarify their purpose. I hope that the code is somewhat readable this way.

Some notes:
I haven't thoroughly tested the game yet, since I haven't had the opportunity to play it seriously with more than 2 people. If you may find any errors/bugs, please inform me! Moreover, this was the first time for me to create a GUI from scratch without using Guide, any suggestions on improving the code are of course welcome!


인용 양식

Joren Heit (2025). RISK (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/34438-risk), MATLAB Central File Exchange. 검색 날짜: .

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버전 게시됨 릴리스 정보

Fixed some bugs

Updated description + required products (image processing toolbox)